20 December 2015


To be honest, I NEVER liked going to conventions. Book fests, yes, but never conventions. There are people everywhere, cosplayers, artists, nerds, geeks, everybody cramped in a small lane... I just don't like it. And all the cosplayers make me feel uncomfortable and anxious about myself (I wanna take photos and talk to them but I'm too scared. I'm always scared). So I always say no to friends who invite me to conventions. I dislike conventions.

This year, however, I'm going to break my own rules. I started using Insta earlier this year, and reason has forsaken me. ARTISTS EVERYWHERE. I WANT THEIR MERCH. I WANT THEM SO BADLY I'M WILLING TO GO TO COMIC FIESTA FOR THE FIRST TIME DESPITE KNOWING ITS EXISTENCE FOR 8 YEARS. 8 EFFING YEARS.

*ahem* So, now that the introduction's done, let us continue to my first time ever in CF, 2015.

Day 1:

I woke up pretty early to get a head start on the train, but dudes are not with me so I had to wait for them at the station for half an hour. Going with me on the wild-human-sandwich-convention-experience was Yumiko (haha!), Missy Dragon, her sister, Khei, and Khei's aunt and cousin. I had early bird tickets so going in straight away isn't a problem... except that the others didn't, and there's a loooooong queue for the tickets counter. Khei received tickets from a cousin so she went in with me and left the others to wait in line for tickets. I'm such a bad person.

I went around to Meyoco's booth (E4/Honey & Mayo) first, snagged three out of four of her books, one which has sold out. I CRY. She told me to come back on the second day... I also bought Daisuga charms because those are expensive and I only want my OTP!
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Next I visited Pottetto, Khadi with Halimah and Tarii's booths, which were all side by side (H40/Pottetto, H41-42/Dirty Paws, H39/Sleeping Lemon) and spent money on stickers and button badges.
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I was supposed to move on to the next booth on my list, but then dudes got their tickets so I had to stop adventuring and go with them on a slow expedition. It was crowded and packed and people are sweaty ugh. There were A LOT of Kaneki cosplayers, and there was someone who is a combo of Naruto AND Kaneki I mean what?????

We stopped at Kino booth and looked though expensive books (I saw artbooks about otome games hurhurhur), I spotted oldxian's artbook (which isn't sold in Popular and even Kino), fangirled and bought it, looked around for SQ but found none.
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Missy Dragon and her sister got CDs and folders while Khei's cousin... bought CDs also but in a more moderate manner. Then we moved on and stopped by Culture Japan and the Smart Doll showcase, which blew my mind.
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I thought Smart Dolls were only as big as Barbies, but I was clearly mistaken. If the Smart Doll were to be measured from my head it would end at my torso. No wonder it costs RM2100.

Finally we moved back to the artbooths. We start off at the last row of booths, and from there on it was HELL. I keep seeing tons of Pokemon and Haikyuu buttons (along with Love Live ones) but I can't possibly buy ALL of them so I could only just look through them and only buy the ones I really like. I don't see a lot of Owls so when I saw them on display at a booth I stopped and bought them. I might as well have all the volleyball ships while I'm here. Then there's this booth. I saw Mieu on the table and picked up the small booklet, flipped through it and my heart leapt. FINALLY A TALES MERCH OMG. I bought it. No doubt crossed my mind, no worrying about money. I asked the price (OMG the booth keeper was cosplaying as ASCH), bought it and put it in my bag.
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I recognized Yue's booth (K13/Squarish, with Fei) and my eyes lingered because I saw something that would make me cry: TALES MERCH. I WILL ALWAYS CRY WHEN THERE'S TALES MERCH. I looked at the buttons and stickers like I saw my savior if I had one, choked in my tears, screamed internally and bought them home with me. That was what made my whole day. TALES MERCH.
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Soon it was time for lunch (it was already 2 when we left to grab a bite) and every restaurant was full, even the most expensive ones, but we managed to find a place in Texas Chicken. My feet never hurt like that before and when I sat down I was stretching and exercising my toes. We ate, dudes wanna explore more so I said my goodbyes and retreated back to my hostel.

I unpacked, bought dinner and slept in for the day to replenish my energy for tomorrow. I need to queue early for day 2 because of Meyoco's book.

Day 2

I considered myself early, but I didn't think other people would be so eager to queue up as early as 6! Queuing with sweaty and untidily dressed men is not a good experience. Ah, but what can I do? I wanted Meyo's book so badly I had to come early. My bag weighs like my old primary school bag (which is heavy eff) and the heat isn't helping. Finally when I got into the Hall I literally dashed -ran even- to booth E4... only to find it empty. I thought she wasn't here yet, so I browsed around, found some good stuff. I bought more buttons (and the Tales sticker) from Yue, I didn't buy anything from Pottetto on day 1 so I chose a Steven button, bought Haikyuu and cat stickers from Khadi, found a Kingsman illustration book and a cute cat foods book, also bought a dead fandom's prints just so I could take a picture and show it to Missy Dragon...
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however whenever I went back to Meyo's booth she's still not there. Finally I gave up and left, feeling awkward as everyone is going to the convention whereas I'm leaving, board the train and reached home safely.

After I finished unpacking I looked through Insta and saw that Meyo had an emergency and cannot make it on day 2... so it just means that book and I are not meant to be????

Comic Fiesta is WILD. But I didn't expect myself to have a heartbreak over not being able to buy a book. I didn't know there was so much to see in CF. Illustration books, button badges, stickers (ohoho I've never loved stickers this much) and charms, there are so many things I would like to buy, I would really like to commission some of my fave artists but I can't because time is short. I've been urging Khei to choose something so that I could buy for her, but she wouldn't let me. I bought this years' friend's appreciation present already, but I could only distribute them in January next year. It's a long wait...

18 December 2015



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Childhood song #27:

21 November 2015



Final要到了呵呵,我还没读书,也不打算现在读。前几天course selection超倒霉的,心烦了一个星期……





Childhood song #26:

11 November 2015

Review: Mirror's Edge (videogame)

"We call ourselves Runners. We exist on the edge between the gloss and the reality: the mirror's edge."


Since Mirror's Edge Catalyst will be out on May 24th next year, I've decided to write a review on the game which caused me to frantically search every game store like a mad dog. I first heard about Mirror's Edge in a video about top 10 hottest video game gals (seriously don't judge) and the main character Faith was number 10. It piked my curiosity so I did research and that's how I found Mirror's Edge!

Review: Your Lie in April (anime)

Current mood: Af feels. Shame on you!

《四月は君の嘘》is a sensational piece from 2014 Fall anime, along with Akatsuki no Yona and some others. When I say it's a sensational piece, I don't usually watch them *ahemSNKahem* even when the hype is gone. But there're people out there pestering me to watch it, and it ends with 22 episodes, so I don't really think it's a hassle... until when I can't find time to watch it. When I plan to watch it though, the video format is wrong and keeps crashing my video player (or lag everything ugh) so I had to call my 'backup' aka person who pestered me to watch the series for help. And she uploaded the whole 22 episodes for me in a mere hour!

04 November 2015



跟两个家伙到学校看到有辆巴士刚到,准备要离开……本来想直接上的,后来记得还有lab report没交……就多呆了半个小时。


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看完MUJI就到The Gardens去让钱包流血。
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本来想看Dr. Suess的书,可是找不到。啊啊,我的童年!
走走看到《The Heir》,气死自己。我买的是比较小本的,摆在书橱上会不是很好看。在MPH除了看到小本的,还有打本的……嗯,我很生气。很想再买来摆在书橱上,可是MPH的书都很贵啊!以后还是不要立刻买好了,等到大本的出版了再买……除了看到令人心痛的书,也有《Assassin's Creed Underworld》。那本书是美国时间11月5号上架,今天才4号,而且还是亚洲时间!怎么回事?!

看game。终于找到Assassin's Creed III Liberation HD了!可是是在3和1的包装里……*泪奔x2*



29 October 2015


最近都没什么有趣的事发生,只是要考试了可是还没读书……还有我还没去学车,这个sem break要去学了,不然undang又要重考。去台湾留学的事也还没办完,还有烦人的group assignment!我的组员们都好像‘睡觉’,根本没意思想做assignment。

还遇到了比那两个女的还麻烦的人。而且还是男的!天啊,我从来没有看过那么爱面子的男生,而且还超级不会听指示的!拍戏本来就是不能望着镜头看,那男的偏偏就一直看镜头,啊啊啊好气人!人家在拍戏的时候还video bomb,本来可以用的短片只能用来当extras了……在等camera man的时候我要演员stand by,其他人可以静静地等,他就到处乱走,等到要拍的时候找不到人!更好笑的是他好像根本没听老师说过要把video放到Youtube去,还责怪我……先生我可是你的组长叻,讨论剧本,你没提议;演戏不专业;根本没有心要吧assignment做好!我为了你的‘面子’把33秒的镜片散掉了,你还来说我吧video放到Youtube?!拜托你以为我想把自己的脸放online吗?不然你来提供pendrive送给老师?


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上两个星期没回家过,就只为了该死的moral assignment!不过就有机会去找那间我一直想去的文具店,呵呵。在店里看的眼花缭乱,什么都想买(跟去书局没差),可是去了回到宿舍就破产了……*哭*
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Childhood song #25:

14 October 2015

Review: Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII (videogame)



When SE announced LR I was like 'whaaat???' because I'm not even finished with the prequels and came along the third installment which will forever close this trilogy, thank Etro! I usually wait for at least 6 months to a year before buying any PS3 games, CAUSE GAMES ARE EXPENSIVE DAMNIT!! However with LR I just couldn't wait, I grabbed the game as soon as it was up for sale in the cheapest game store I could find. The reason is simple... what wouldn't a fangirl do for her precious OTP which took THREE GAMES to actually get some private time together?! Huh?! I did it all for the OTP goodness! YES!

06 October 2015

Review: Final Fantasy XII (videogame)

Current mood: Yes, I'm writing a review of my first FF game after 4 years of gameplay, isn't it wonderful?! But serious though I miss this game.

I won my PS2 in 2009 after UPSR, but didn't claim it until my cousin brother turned two, which was 2011. All the games my uncle had were multiplayer fighting games and first-person shooters, so dad came home one day with three games and I was thrilled! The first which caught my eye was Final Fantasy XII. He didn't buy the tenth installment, sadly.

05 October 2015


啊啊啊最近没有心情写部落啊,好多group assignment,好多考试,好多要烦的事……


我的moral assignment被组长‘抛弃’了,他不知去了哪里,一直没有回我的message,所以我就自己主动说要开会。可是说要开会也没人要回我啊啊!!!气死人……我自认为很孤僻了,可是上帝好像要告诉我其实没有孤僻到哪里,让我有两个孤僻到boss级的女生。两个人每天粘在一起,静到不像人!我还以为两个是first sem的,所以不是很多朋友……可是她们是跟我一样second sem的。嗯,明显是她们俩有问题。开始遇到其他组员是要自我介绍,组长很亲切地跟大家握手,她们俩却好像很吓到地不愿意(可是还是握了)。嗯,难道她们也是女校毕业的?没和男生相处过?(屁,我已经是没跟男生好好相处过了,到NS还要看只顾着靠女生的那种类型……)




Childhood song #24:

15 September 2015



第一个礼拜上课好乱,不知到notes要不要买,课本要不要买,上课要坐哪里,assignment要自己找组员……好烦!而且我也很怕自己在上课时睡着啊。吃糖几乎也没效。我最怕Bio II和Chemi,呵呵这些科目我fail算了(不要真的fail啊)还有出了名不容易pass的CE……


很多事要烦,scholarship,volunteer的事,group assignment,还有小考……嗯,我foundation而已大概没A-level的惨吧……想到group assignment就讨厌。每次没有组别就算了,有时候好像有希望可以进到某某组的时候,它们就告诉我没位了……一次又一次的感到失望啊……早知道不找组了,就让老师把我派好了。我不想再觉得自己被抛弃。嗯。

Childhood song #23:

09 September 2015

Review: Tales of the Abyss (videogame)


Tales of the Abyss was my first Tales game. I had exposure when the anime aired and my dad watched the first ep or so. Then when the PS2 babe came I got more exposure. I bought Tales of Legendia alongside TotA, but I played TotA first instead of ToL... I should be the other way round because ToL came before TotA! But I was so fixated on a game I'm more familiar with, I ignored ToL until like, during my second TotA playthrough idk?

03 September 2015


考试考到21号,不过我最后一张考卷17号就结束了,所以总结来说我有两个星期假期!啊哈哈好幸福啊……礼拜一考完试后回宿舍收拾,第二天早早就在学校等巴士了。还以为早上八点多不会很多人,可是我很明显是错了。人多得我在火车上变成煎饼了!终于到KL Central了。本来要在那吃McD后才上火车的,可是出去看到排队排得好长……啊啊算了。上火车吧……


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22 August 2015

Review: The Place Promised in Our Early Days (movie)

Current mood: WOW. I can't...

I never thought of watching this until one day I stumbled across its ending song in Youtube. Usually suggestions put me off but there was something about the movie poster that clicks. So I listened. And I got addicted. The song was beautiful. Then I remembered that I have seen the movie poster back when I was still a kid (about the same time I started using the PC, so maybe 7~9 I guess?), and IDK I felt nostalgic maybe? One of the reasons I could still recognize the poster was because of its selection of colors: blue with brief colors of the sunset. And the characters playing the violin with contrasting atmospheres.



地点在个我根本都不晓得的地方,在KEC后面。两个场地三个小时。因为早上和在美国的Amberly Skype到近四点,没睡好觉……然后上午有去了台湾升学展,累死人,回到家已经两点半了,要午觉也不行……我以后死也不要熬夜超过2点!




Childhood song #22:

06 August 2015





18+ ramblings, don't like don't read!
Ugh, at first I did not know what was so bittersweet about 'the red road' ending, but clearly I was wrong haha... because the volume of BGM was quite low so I can't listen well, but when the extras came out the track 'forever' was what hit me the most in Sweet Pool. When the two were fusing into one (GEM FUSION), he asks, "Do you believe in forever?", and the answer was "There is no forever." So much for heartbreak and feeeelssss. And the track symbolizes their fleeting togetherness, their feelings for each other, but could not ever be human or have their relationship last forever. They don't 'love' each other, it wasn't even 'romance', but something more heavy, more deep. Like Hope and Light's relationship, which is love, but at the same time so much more than that. Heck love wasn't even the appropriate word to describe it!

Since there are no 'good ends' as all the OTP endings involve Yuuji's death, it leaves you empty and lifeless. And here you wonder why is the game called 'Sweet Pool' when there's nothing sweet about it. And why a pool? The pool only shows up in two of the endings in which Tetsuo survives. Or you can interpret the title like this: the 'sweet' is from the word bittersweet, while the pool... the pool is your tears and feels.

You'll never be the same after playing this game. Before this I thought Clear's end from DMMd was already the worst, but SP is just... IDK. It's been two days and I can still feel my heart clutch in pain whenever I think of their sad fate. However if someone ever asks if I regret playing SP, no. I don't. It's sad and disgusting and nightmarish (whenever I go to the toilet I just can't), but somewhat refreshing to see a protag which is not your usual bishonen, but someone who is actually a man. Look at the OST cover, I mean you'll NEVER be 100% sure who is the protag. At first glance they may actually be mistaken as the love interests. I mean all three of them on the cover. Look at Yuuji's Kira eyes WHAT.

Note: I always had a feeling Tetsuo looks familiar, now I know why - Shinonome from the Warui series argh! Looks alike 'cept the fact that Shinonome grins a lot compared to Tetsuo who's a cool emotionless dude.

02 August 2015

Review: 5 Centimeters per Second (movie)


5 Centimeters was already pretty famous in Tumblr due to the beautiful scenery and the tear-jerking motif of the film. Mostly all the GIFs I see on Tumblr are scenery porn, so I did not know what the protagonist looks like. I didn't even know how the story will go, except for the fact that they got train-blocked (lol). The movie has three episodes, each episode describes the 'distance' between the central protagonist of the episode.

31 July 2015


礼拜天早上老妈告诉我老豆说要带我去Jaya One,说我每个星期回家一直念念念说要去那边(的STICKERRIFIC)。可是老爸脸很黑我都不知道要开心还是内疚。哎呀他每次都是这样的我也不要理他了。买了好东西~~

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Childhood song #21:

Review: Arakawa Under the Bridge (anime)

Current mood: BORED

Even before the anime was planned I've heard of the manga, from a weekly magazine or online reader, I don't remember. The only thing I knew about the series was a man with a star-shaped head. That's all. Then the anime came out, I still see the star-shaped head guy, and because I wanted to watch some comedy, so I picked AUTB.

24 July 2015





我的Mal. Studies组有个女的名叫Joo Lee,她本来也是没有组别的,那时是她自动来找我,问我们的组还有没有位。礼拜四上课前死组长要我叫她来跟我们坐,我就叫了……然后我那时间表出来看……Joo Lee眼睛睁大,阻止我把时间表收回书包……对!就是那个沉月的文件夹!然后我们俩发现原来对方是有看小说的!而且还是超hardcore的!中国台湾魔幻玄幻都是她的菜,而且如果有打架的更好。我例出来的书名她几乎后听过看过,大概只有我在城邦买的那本推理小说她没听过而已。她还介绍我看同人小说——吾命和特传的crossover?!而且还要网购?不知道天空读者有没有卖……

说到Mal. Studies,有一组的video忽然看到physics老师,当场有上他的课的人都笑了……因为Mr. Leow是很“student-friendly”的!

Childhood song #20:

22 July 2015

Super High School OTP!






20 July 2015



礼拜四早上起来带着行李去学校。上完课后就要坐火车回家……然后老师emergency leave,七点半我就去等学校的shuttle bus载我去火车站。等巴士的时候发现其实很多人也是那天回啊……司机又不开大辆巴士,开小的,不够位子坐还有人用站的。在等火车(很慢唉)的时候老爸打来说要载我,可是人已经在火车站等车了啊!挂电话不久后火车来了,不知道为什么那天的班车那么快(Raya?)。而且又是早上所以人不多……

我到站时才九点十多分(今天上完课的时间是九点半),再坐几个星期前的免费巴士回家。处理完东西后打电话给老爸老妈才九点四十五分……开机玩咯!!!然后就这样我玩了一整天,过后晚餐去pasar ramadan,虽然最后一天了没多少东西买……

隔天去书展,书展后去亲戚家吃榴莲(我没吃,那几个大人吃罢了)。礼拜六叔叔来请我吃鸭腿,大人们谈天是我就继续打机,还打了某个游戏的final boss,(而且还是第一次很兴奋地笑着打死它,虽然那个boss有四个form,可是还是很兴奋)可惜老大没来,在家打online game,所以没得跟他炫耀……


Divine Love Eternal!

So I was never THIS excited about beating a boss before I mean after I finished all the trials and approached the door I was like "YES!!!" and my cousins were like "What's wrong?" "IDK?" Bhunivelze appeared before me and I squealed in delight, especially when he's using Hope's body. The first phase was rushed, because frick Doom. The second and third phase I was excited, but I literally SCREAMED during the final phase when Almighty Bhunivelze started playing in the background. But man, the final formed sucked! Trying to stagger him sucks. But when I do my cousins had their eyes popped out because of the damage I dealt after staggering. It was A LOT. Final blow and Bhuni goes "NOOOOOOOOOO" and I grinned because all the OTP goodness was coming soon... very soon...

Seeing Light being all "I'll save you Hope!" I clutched my heart because it cannot take this much of OTP feels you understand?! I thought my heart was ready to see the ending before my eyes but no the fangirl inside of me cannot stop squealing. And that's how I managed to beat Bhunivelze while smiling.

19 July 2015






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进去第一件事就是去买tape,washi tape,decorative adhesive tape,随便啦!最近好像很heng……本来这些tape要去Jaya One的STICKERIFIC买的,现在大众书局又买了那我也方便多。不过我还是想去STICKERIFIC。买画画要用的笔。

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有其中七卷是在Leisure Mall的大众书局买的。


买了tape我和老妈就去看“主角”:portable scanner!要买很久了,本来是打算给我带去学校用的,可是后来发现我也不怎么需要用到……可是我们还是买来玩。因为那天有特价,所以便宜买回家来了……我的新书包(装电脑的)也有特价,所以算很幸运???


Childhood song #18:

15 July 2015



礼拜二去Leisure Mall,室友说坐taxi只需要两块钱,所以我就去坐了……哪里知道flat rate是三块钱,我去就要八块半,回要六块!天!本来想坐巴士回的,可是我找不到巴士站……在Leisure Mall有Popular所以才去的,听说也有漫画店。去那里买了三本漫画,然后去Popular找看有没有少年。给我找到了,他们把它放在“轻小说”的书架上……XD可是最新的少年40,有很帅的昌浩和很漂亮的彰子做封面的竟然没有……

在Popular买的washi tape我用得很开心,回到宿舍就开始画画那它来贴了!更何况书展买三卷以上有50%折扣……我要买多多!!!!!(好像小孩子,唉)



Childhood song #17:

10 July 2015

Review: Assassin's Creed III (videogame)


Assassin's Creed III just came out when I first had an interest in the AC franchise, but I didn't buy it because it's new and new meant expensive. I bought the older ones first before tending to AC3, and GOD that was the right decision.

09 July 2015




礼拜四有Career Fair,我没去。饭碗去了,还拿了Papa John的voucher~哈哈所以那天晚餐就是pizza!只有我,Shan,饭碗,蚂蚁和我的室友星星去。我们上完6.30的课后就在lobby集合,走到前面的那排店去,好远……我们叫了两个pizza,买一送一,一个人付8.80。还在开动时Joseph忽然出现,跟他halo一下我继续吃。他买完东西后跟我们聊一会,虽然他只认得Shan……然后说了一些让人误会的话就离开了。天啊,那几个跟我吃东西的人不肯放过我,一直追问我跟他的关系。普通朋友好吗?我脸红是正常的好不好!我是读女校的叻,最后一次被讲跟男生有啥啥关系是小学六年级啊!呵呵,被人家说有男生喜欢还是第一次,以前都是我喜欢人家的啊……喜欢人家的身材,喜欢人家穿slacks的样子,喜欢人家的脚,喜欢人家的手臂,喜欢人家的*咳咳屁股咳咳*……

然后我告诉她们:“不可能,我有男朋友了!”全部很惊讶地“吓吓吓吓???”。其他三个人追问星星,可是她也摇头说她也是第一次听说……最后饭碗是第一个发现不对劲(因为她也是动漫迷嘛~)到最后我‘男朋友’的名字除了Tadashi Hamada之外其他的都不认识……Athrun Zala饭碗还知道是谁。就这样我和饭碗谈动漫谈到其他三个人的电线接不到。


这个礼拜六龙小姐和Khei Lai她们去书展啊啊啊我没得去,有年中考……讲到书我还真的很幸运认识到中学朋友,不然我看小说的兴趣都没,看书还是会像以前那样一个星期只看三面……也因为认识她们我才会知道那么多好看的小说,老豆的钱几乎都会‘飞掉’……不过我现在不常买书,虽然有想买的小说可是现在都没时间看,家里还有一堆,去PLKN前买的都还没看完,而且我的钱现在多数都花去买画画用的笔和笔记本……啊哈哈哈……


Childhood song #16:

05 July 2015

Review: Kyoukai no Kanata (anime)

Current mood: Feels, why you come find me?!

This anime was quite the hit when it came out and tumblr showed me multiple gifs of scenery porn, fingers in armpits, glasses and colorful things ohh wow. I watched the first episode with my dad if I'm not mistaken, but didn't get drawn in cause, hey I watch last season animes! I don't indulge anime when it's still hot! I marathon all 12 episodes till 2 in the morning, forgot to set the alarm, and missed my ride home...



所以……我在pasar malam买了同人本?!本来我还不相信那边有卖耽美的东西可是竟然被我发现到了!而且还是靠我多月看《排球少年》累计的经验才看到的……嗯,难得有自己知道的同人本,就买下了。可是我还真希望可以看到菅原的同人啊……

礼拜四有个五点的课,我睡午觉很懒惰起身……不过还是乖乖的去学校了。在等上一堂课结束时,忽然没电!然后那堂课早放~我进般的时候很黑,还以为电过后会回来,谁知我们class cancelled……那我那么幸苦起床时为了什么?!


礼拜五。晚上。因为室友会Sarawak了,那天可以熬夜看戏,就看戏咯~看了12集到早上两点多才睡。心想7点应该可以醒……起来看时间——8点!天!我冲冲忙忙刷牙洗脸,好好东西昨天就准备好了,就走下去……老爸的车走了。泪崩!!!!好啦是自己的错啦……我早餐没吃水没喝就下去了,东西带一堆,啊啊!!!只好搭火车会咯,我要回去打机的叻!去到学校:“Public holiday, shuttle bus takde!”泪崩X2!!!走路去等巴士,遇到饭碗和蚂蚁,她们也回Pahang。有人陪等巴士不会那么无聊。到了火车站,走Tanjung Malim和Rawang路线的每次都很慢,泪崩X3。LRT和KLIA的都来了几趟了,我的才来,然后泪崩X4:火车很满,满到像BL里被人家夹在门的那种状况……只好等下一班。火车到了不会很挤,可是没有位子坐,我的背很酸,泪崩X5!到KL Central,通常走巴生港口和Batu Caves路线的比较快,人也比较少。终于找到位子坐了!回到家已经12点,要吃午餐了……泪崩X6!老妈还问我“你没吃早餐时不时?就知道。”我第一次这么泪崩啊。

Childhood song #15:

02 July 2015

Review: Hyouka (anime)

Current mood: I'm fine, but the both of them are too oblivious! Just confess already!

Hyouka. I finished this before The Garden of Words, but the thought of writing a review for this never occurred to me. I've watched half of this anime when it first came out with my dad. Then again I was bored and Tokyo Ghoul and April is Your Lie is giving me a hard time watching anything at all! Fricking encoding... Some episodes I remember, some I do not. That cursor tho.

29 June 2015


本来说要kacao Hooi Shin的,发现她那边根本都没有火车站啊……最靠近的也是Batu Caves,我姑姑住的地方……



本来想回家打机的,后来想到还有lab report还没做,所以计划泡汤。4号没活动没考试,lab也上完了,说不定可以去打猎……



Childhood song #14:


26 June 2015




发现已经很久没有打机了,时不时在tumblr看到我喜欢玩的游戏就会很沮丧……尤其是看到Assassin's Creed Ezio's Trilogy,每次看到都会很想哭啊啊!!!我看到FF也不会那么伤心……想到Tales of the Abyss有时候也会很想玩。


这次的bio lab换角色,轮到我和Tanu做无聊的观察工作。我们需要用到的sucrose solution就在我们的后面,很靠近……可是偏偏就是有很多人挤在那边,我拿不到……有个男的挡着我要拿的东西,我就大声地说excuse me,可是他没听到……到最后我硬挤进去,然后他才后知后觉地走开。我和Tanu一人拿一个concentration回去桌面用,这样比较快。不过那个挡路男竟然身边跟着两个女的等他把solution放在petri dish和test tube,挡人家路就算了,还站在那边打哈哈,笑得像疯子!(还有一组人,和他们差不多,笑到solution倒在桌面上……)有一个男的把瓶子拿走,我叫他放回去,他问为什么,我告诉他那本来就是规矩,他放了还对我笑……我可笑不出叻。最后我们solution倒完了那打哈哈组还在后面慢慢拿……活该。Tanu还骂他们是笨蛋,可是他们本来就是。

呵呵,礼拜五龙小姐和Khei Lai下USCI找我,我好感动!!!这次她们来还是只有ikon能走,我们在那边逛,最后吃polar bear……唉。然后上楼吃不见不散,还聊了很久。那天在ikon看到很多中学生,全部在selfie,我就问龙小姐,“要photobomb吗?”想一下我们还真幼稚呢……过后两个家伙说要看我的宿舍,我就带她们走……一进去就是跳床。跟他们说了一大堆bio的东西,用一下电脑,回大学去,我要上课她们要回家。就这样我们拜拜了……嗯,以后看可不可以去kacau一下Hooi Shin……


23 June 2015

Review: The Garden of Words (movie)

A faint clap of thunder,
Clouded skies,
Perhaps rain will come.
If so, will you stay here with me?

Current mood: WTF man you're basically ruining my OTP! Btw that protagonist is SO my type!

When it first came out in 2013 Tumblr was BURSTING with GIFs, I'm not even exaggerating here. GIFs with shoes, rain, scenery porn, time lapse and most of all, the couple and their interactions. And frick I know better than to watch that movie cause the feels train is REAL. Then again I got bored in the hostel so I downloaded the movie along with 'The Girl Who Leapt Through Time' which I've watched and got hit by feels train.

17 June 2015



最近一直忙着追戏,全部都是last season anime~不过我还真会选时间,开学没事做的时候不看,反而现在要考试了就很拼命……

没有朋友陪伴的生活习惯了,有时候还觉得不错,因为下课后不用等人。我现在对学校的设备比较熟悉了,现在连所谓的‘bilik ICT’都会用了……我还被那个超恐怖的女生骂说那个叫computer lab不是bilik ICT……可是人家中学的时候都这样叫嘛,要一下子改口不容易叻……

Scholarship的组我们最后和别组(H&S,Five5)的combine,可是我们第一次正式开会有一组的只有两个人来,所以其他的还没见面。不过那个很帅的女生竟然是Five5的,所以以后有机会和她认识认识……更吓人的是,第二次的会议比较多人出席,然后……那个可爱的男生出现!我还以为他只是路过,可是他放了书包一屁股坐在我隔壁(Five5)。……我无言。我有想过combine后会遇到他的可能性,可是我们只有三十六组里的三组,要遇到的机率几乎很小啊(probability进场~)……可是我就是那么的幸运,遇到两个我在orientation一直心里喊“SENPAI PLEASE NOTICE ME”的对象啊!

E3前几天开始了,我看了一堆trailer和conference,很兴奋,甚至吓到自己的室友了……有个游戏挺可爱的,而且我还哭了。看trailer罢了!哭了!天!老实说我有种预感如果我在玩的时候会哭(其实因为那个创办人也紧张的太可爱了,而且他还自己做了一个一模一样的毛娃娃)。I have a soft spot for these kinds of games since Journey.

10 June 2015

Review: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (anime)

Current mood: I'm laughing stock.

I read the manga before watching the anime. I read the manga before it was famous (thank me I'm your awesome senpai). But I never considered the anime because it is my principle to read the manga before the anime, and the novel before the manga. However considering I have Death Parade and most likely I'll be watching that first, and Miss Dragon there and Tumblr had implied it'll be heartbreaking, so my treatment after feels train was the laugh-out-loud GSNK!

09 June 2015

Review: Death Parade (anime)


I have seen it's beautiful gifs on Tumblr, especially the ice skating scene. Some friend recommended it too and said there were feels. There are also multiple feels comments floating around... and then I thought 'since I'm moving into the hostel, it's probably gunna be boring', so why not download some shite so watch? And so that's how I came to the feels train of Death Parade.

08 June 2015


过了两个星期的地狱式训练,还以为终于可以休息了……可是!!!就因为video assignment我的假日泡汤了……

书展不是很大,最最最末端是卖英文书的Big Bad Wolf,看NS朋友去哪儿买好料回来,好羡慕……所以自己就去看看。果真,里面卖的书不是普通便宜,不买简直是sek dai!我看来看去找不到我喜欢的,因为英文书的简介露的太少了。我看上眼的都是跟历史有关的故事,我又怕买了不去读……虽然说8块而已。恐怖的是,因为有某某特优,所以大家都拿着它们提供的盒子,尽量把它装满……更恐怖的是有些人是到处随便找书扔进盒子里……重点:扔!扔书!天!除了学校课本之外我几乎没把书到处扔啊啊啊!!!那是不是爱书者的天堂……


第二次上bio lab:
我真的很累。身体上的疲倦都没有心理的那种无助又厌倦的感觉。和我同组的本来只有一个我比较怕,现在出现了第二个。唉,Tanu觉得我做得不好时我就尽量照着她的意思做。可是她偏偏就是还是不满意,我就叫她来处理,她自己却不愿意,说什么“这些事迟早也要掌握的”。你不做给我看我怎么知道啊?!我们这次的实验做了很多次还是没有结果,最后一次我放弃了,去洗用具。洗着用具时Shan也在洗test tube,先说明我没有挡到她洗东西,我都是趁她没用水时或在她下面洗。本来她讲我几下我还没什么,可是我不喜欢的是她第二次念我时用刚洗完的glass rod挥在我面前,水喷到我的脸……而且还是眼睛。如果当时喷到我的不是水,而是其他东西……那我的眼睛怎么办?Tanu有个更好笑的习惯(很像我老爸),那就是把事情交给人家做……通常都是叫人的工作,例:她想叫老师来帮我们看microscope,就叫我请老师来。天!是你要叫叻不是我!!!




Childhood song #13:

05 June 2015



我们的组叫PURE SW,意思是pure south wing,可是我们这一组很会笑,最后变成pure super weird了……

开始有组别的功课了,超怕会遇到很麻烦的组员,目前为止还没出现啦(说不定那个麻烦的人是我)。可是scholarship的组已经遇到了啊!我们的啊头是随便选出来的,现在不知道是vice chairperson还是秘书比较像组长……上次我们有紧急会议她都不在……

上次bio lab我们必须用大学超先进的microscope看cell,除了potato有葱还有最基本的cheek cell。
第一次:potato cell。我让Tanu用microscope,她弄来弄去她一直看不到,所以叫老师来弄……
第三次:cheek cell。不是用我的,是Tanu捐的。这次是我在用microscope,开始还没放methylene blue时是什么都看不到啦……放了过后cell全部看的一清二楚, Tanu还问我是怎样弄到的。Zoom了40倍很兴奋地跳来跳去,还被lab assistant问为什么在演唱会跳跳,不过我还是继续跳就是了(在lab好像有点不妥当……)。最后老师终于主意到我了,我很兴奋地叫他看……老师对我说“GOOD JOB”!!!!我长得那么大了还是第一次被老师称赞叻!而且还是在大学!*眼睛发亮*

最近一看到那个可爱的男生就会不知不觉的心想"SENPAI PLEASE NOTICE ME"然后觉得自己很恶心。有时候还在脑袋里用Pewdiepie的声音来讲……啊哈哈哈。

还以为终于有个星期可以relek,突然间我的Mal. Studies的组要这个星期天拍video assignment……哈哈我礼拜六去书展啊!!!天!去书展费很多精神的!然后第二天又要去拍戏?!呜呜……我下个星期还有小考啊啊!我都不晓得这个sem可不可以过关……

每次想到考试、assignment和scholarship proposal就像当场唱的歌。

29 May 2015


有一次Physics课时那位坐在我隔壁的美女给我一张McD coupon,她说她有很多,不知道要怎样处理。所以一整个星期早餐就是吃burger过活,因为coupon 31号就过期了啊。


到了north wing和另外三个人会和后,大家都纷纷去上厕所……什么状况啊?在外面等了几分钟,终于进去找位子坐。陪人家出去装水,看到有人在练日本剑道,而且还有些穿着日本合服(那个裤脚宽宽的)。其实没什么特别……只是有个侧面超帅的男生,穿着合服握着剑……呵呵,他还是戴眼镜的叻。就是那一刻我发现:我有眼镜控!!!!我超不幸运的选到了冷气滴水的位子(我很懒得换位)。我们这一组很疯,一直笑一直拿selfie,好像有吓到别人呵呵。

参加活动要付RM5 refreshment,我和室友在想是什么食物。她说会是饼干,我说会是面包(NS和生活经验)……它给我们的竟是80仙面包!我赢了!五块钱包括了笔记本——没线的!!!!我最喜欢了!!!!可是还是有人付了钱走的时候也不把东西拿走,我的室友觉得很浪费,就把它们带回来了。省钱嘛!



所以这次self discovery:我原来有眼镜控?!喜欢头发较短的我知道,可是从来没发现我会对戴眼镜的有兴趣?!我已经对几个有好感了啊~那是因为漫画和anime看太多哈哈。现在是ikemen+megane(眼鏡)+yasashi guy(優しい)?我也不知道……

Childhood song #12:

27 May 2015



我的smart phone的contacts里有几种分类:
5)Malaysian Studies的组员是‘GVA’记号;
6)physic lab组员就要来个‘PHYSL’记号了啊哈哈,还有bio的叻……

我真的要感谢老师问起组别的事,要不然我真的是forever alone咯……我举手后上次那个没礼貌的家伙(抢走我书的那一个)也说他没有组,我紧张了。我不要和他同组啊啊不过老师反应很快的说“你不是和XXX同组了吗”他就说“是吗,我怎么没印象???”我就这样得救了。最后我和几个新来的学生一组。

一下子认识了五个人好像还不够,bio老师在准备时,坐我前面的男生(眼熟,我对他的衣服有印象)问我叫什么名。我很酷的回答“And why would you want to know?”他也没生气,只是转头跟他的朋友说什么‘好不可思议!’之类的话,然后还真的是告诉我理由(他讲了三个)。我看不下去了(他认真想理由的样子很好笑)就告诉他名字,跟他认识了。原来他就是我上的某堂课那位很active的男子,坐在中间前面两到三排的。有一次他active到举手老师都不要叫他……

他还问我physic lab是哪一堂的,刚巧和他一样,他便问我要不要和他同组*咳咳,他用英文讲有用到‘partners’这个字,对我这个看fanfiction和BL看到傻的人,这个字太不应该了咳咳*我是一口气答应了。他说不定是开玩笑的?

Bio老师还有很多东西要解释,可是要放课了,有些人很紧张要干到下一堂课,想离开又不能。最后他说“这个下一堂课才教,这个只是trailer,好像电影的,只是闷好几倍就是了。”啊哈哈老师,你真的很像Mr. Donald啊……

下午Physics lab老师叫我们分组时,我就站在原地,到处看哪里有位……然后那个active仔向我招手。……原来他是讲真的啊。过后来了两个马六甲美女,我们就一组三女两男这样做实验去了……他写字还真用力啊,让我想起Khei Lai。他好像听不懂华语(什么?!连Heidi都会听一点点啦!)


Childhood song #11:

24 May 2015


Scholarship briefing终于申请到礼拜二的,然后……坐在我前面的前面就是那个超可爱的参考对象!啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!(STAHP)
我忽然觉得如果我一直酱注意他总有一天会喜欢上他……这就像少女漫画里的情节叻。然后变成“SENPAI NOTICE ME PLZ”可是他不是我的前辈。

拜三去pasar malam!好多人!很闷!很热!很臭!还有卖书档!天!

已经要进入一个月了,我还是没有朋友啊~不过USCHOS的组别就交到一些新朋友了~那三个印度人好可爱哦……有个男的叫Char Yeong,因为印度人记不到名字就简单叫Cha。其中一个还说‘cha’在淡米尔(?)是茶~重点是华文也是茶啊啊~~~有个还叫Ricebowl叻~~~~

因为奕廷换手机了,所以她以前的samsung送给我用,就这样我有了一些chat apps。现在要吵架好像也不再FB吵了,都在wechat啊~最近我的干女儿绵羊还火很大,差点变烤羊呢~不过话说回来换着是我会气得飞到太空去吧……他们还有presentation要做,小绵羊叫我帮她看下英文grammar,我看了哭笑不得,有些实在是错得好笑!其中一个就是good driver-driving safe。可是安全驾驶的人不是好司机,而是responsible driver,负责任的司机啊啊啊啊!!!Good driver也可以是mat rempit,他们超会‘开车’啊!《Initial D》的男主角也可以是good driver,因为他很会赛车嘛!笑死人了!


Childhood song #10:

18 May 2015



有一天晚上发现有学费没有交,而且截至日期是六天前,那是我真的骂靠了。冲冲忙忙打回家叫父母付费,吓死自己!Khei Lai的老姐说自己要聪明一点,不要给大学“吃”到钱,一讲就中啊啊。所以说touchwood嘛!

第二个礼拜的Physics开始教课,一个拜一一个拜五,两堂都是8点早上的课。礼拜一上课时不小心睡着了,心想礼拜五要醒着听课……哪里知道拜五也一样,睡觉去了……果然不是我的错,老师教得太闷了。第三个星期礼拜一终于交到朋友了,万岁!我坐着要睡不睡她过来问我“这里有人坐吗?”理所当然的没有。她坐下来了。“这是Physics I吼?”点头。“那你是一个人还是有朋友一起?”一个人。“我也是一个人呢!那我以后可以跟你坐在这里吗?”点头。朋友GET!“我是foundation,最后一个sem了,你是pharmacy的?”Optometry。“哦哦哦,因为我那一batch的全部都是读pharmacy的。”

Scholarship briefing就是明天或后天,我本来是出席后天的,后来要临时改到明天,去打听消息,彻底失望了……因为明天的已经满了啊啊啊怎么办?!



住在宿舍第三个星期在学着怎样用microwave和洗衣机。家里没有microwave只有oven,家里的洗衣机function不一样,所以花了一点时间去‘了解’它们。我还偷偷用了人家的electric stove和水壶来煮水,不过话说回来大家好像都是share-share用的。

Childhood song #9:

14 May 2015


上大学遇到各式各样的人,就是没有和中学朋友同样类型的啊。女的打扮的很漂亮,可是看到鞋子……整个人囧掉了。竟然穿拖鞋!有些的确很会配衣服,那些女生被我叫做fashion diva。当然有些是不会看场合打扮的。穿得很普通的通常被我叫“手满”,可是偏偏就是没有nerd。


Malaysian studies有个很奇怪的男生,讲话很大声,然后还没上课前一直玩mic……我早上坐在一个角落静静地看书,他忽然坐在我前一排盯着我(还是我的书我不知道),我就停下来三条线看着他,他说“You just keep reading”。我正要继续看时他竟然从我手上抢走我的书,读后面的简介!天!那是什么情况?!很没礼貌叻!

Notes都要到photocopy shop买,而且还是要常常去问有没有新的,不然上课没有note显得很白痴……我已经白痴了三堂课。

IPS(Intro to Probs & Stats)是我最讨厌的一科,可是不管读什么都要拿,所以我只好节哀顺变(?)更好笑的是那个老师教书的方法简直是中学那些跟着课本念,没方法教书又教得慢的类型,听她讲课broken english有时候不知道在讲什,上课都在偷笑……

FOM(Fund of Maths)也是马来老师在教,可是她好很多了……英文讲得好也不会解释的一头露水,唉……有包头跟没包头的差别……

Bio I 老师说他很老(哈哈,还好吧)教书方法跟Mr. Donald有的比:他好笑又教得明白,不明白还会解释,给很多课外知识。差别只有Mr. James没有Mr. Donald变态……其实他不变态啦。

Phys I 就要拜拜咯。老师英文不是很好,可是教书还是比IPS的更好。不过我被Mr. Moai教了一年的physics还是没人能教得比他好……


Childhood song #8:

10 May 2015




哈哈我在orientation的时候有station game,我们的组长也是foundation的,不会很高身材不会像壮男好看(瘦巴巴的),样子不怎么样可是还挺可爱的。orientation要结束前还在想要怎样认识他,想好了台词,可是最后还是没认识到……礼拜五的第一堂课就看到他坐在我前面一排,可是最后还是错过机会了……天啊我竟然让一个活生生的参考对象离开……而且还不知道什么时候还会那么幸运遇到他……

不要领带。天!我好想认识她啊啊啊!!!!可是我又没胆,唉。不过很肯定的她是读foundation in science,所以可以常常看到她~


曾经有senior告诉我:“就现在开始认识新朋友嘛。”我还以为我会开学后才认识人,可是如果这样下去我还是等我进了school of optometry才会有朋友吧……





07 May 2015


Yes, I put a KH trailer joke in the title not sorry.

Uni(or most commonly known as college life) has started and thank God I don't have any classes other than lectures and (boring)elective Malaysian Studies on the first week. Malaysian Studies IS BORING. I haven't bought any textbooks yet because apparently they're out of stock and I think I should just buy the photocopy version. A textbook is like RM100++ and I don't even know what to make out of it.

Life is fun and for once I was not bothered in class when drawing. A lot of people already have friends but my only acquaintance here are my housemates, and sometimes we rarely talk. So basically I'm forever alone... suck on that Amberly! 'Get a life' she said! Ha!

Read through Little Ern's newest post about memories and I agree partially to that, because until now I still dream of going to Hogwarts. I still think about Hogwarts all the time! Maybe it's because I'm not so stressed yet, so yeah. But after the lecture for Fund. of Maths I think I'm gonna puke... (SOOOO PACKED) Mid-terms are like, 50 days away?!

Actually I'm pretty scared of Mathematics subjects more than Science subjects. I don't even know if I can answer the questions because I haven't been doing any solutions since 5 months ago!

Yeah, I never had a dream come true haha.

03 May 2015

My first speedpaint WOOHOO!

My first recorded speedpaint how awesome is that?! Sorry for the crappy thumbnail, the recording is a bit laggy... The finished piece can be found in my dA and pixiv.

16 April 2015

The next stage in life

I'm accepted to both UTAR and UCSI... and I've made my decision. No matter which, I'll still be moving out when I start class. That means leaving my harem behind to weep dust. And to think I almost made it to Bhunivelze...

Imma freshman this coming May and will be walking to college, not school. Sad. I was really scared of going to attend my first class and/or meeting new people, I mean it's not school anymore. It's the cruel society, the cruel world. You meet all kinds of people, and I don't know how to make friends. You never know who is friend or foe, who will stab your back, or if they want to be friends with you just purely out of advantage. I have to choose what to wear to class (which is annoying), because we don't wear uniforms anymore. My shield is no longer valid for my age. So now I'm growing my next shield - my hair. My shield that nullifies all outside influence. My battle armor that stings with only one touch. I have to build an iron wall that will keep me safe from the darkness of the world, to keep my heart forever young, so strong that even the deadliest people cannot breach it and manipulate me.

And the other problem is I always think I'm never good enough. I remember last month when I was applying for college, I wasn't entirely confident I could get a place in the said college because I didn't get straight As. I was sure I'd never get a scholarship because I didn't get straight As. I was sure I'd fail at everything just because I didn't get a perfect score.

Now that's over, there's another problem. There's definitely a mathematics subject for any foundation course, and I don't know if I can manage. All this time I depend on my mother for mathematics. She says I'm capable, but really I'm not. I depend on tuition for all of my science subjects. I don't think anything in college will be easier than what I learnt in school.

I know where this 'never-good-enough' feeling comes from. Most of my closest friends are better than me in various ways, and the best of the best we call her 'Alien Genius'. With their capability I was sure their parents were never disappointed with their grades... This is the inferiority complex I have from peers. I probably had some for my relatives too. Nevertheless, I still love my friends very much. Relatives.... nnnnaaaaaahhhhhh.....

Some friends have already start class, and after much reading, I find this stage of my life a little encouraging. Thanks. Attending classes may not be different from school. After I learn to avoid the rules of course...

I know, I still have the last part of my journal left, I just don't feel like publishing it yet!

31 March 2015

Review: Haikyuu!! (anime)

Current mood: Haikyuu!! is awesome words cannot describe the awesomeness in every episode

I had heard of its awesomeness by an artist in tumblr. She(literally) made the anime her king, but I paid no attention, because I'm afraid to invest too much time into sports animanga. While I was browsing for yaoi to read, and there's none, I came across the doujinshi. And no fangirl can say no to a doujinshi. So I read it. Then read more, and I can't stop. All of the doujinshis I read are kagehina, and all of them were unlike the previous doujinshis. THEY WERE SO DARN FLUFFY AND I LOVE IT but I think the reason was because the stories clicked with me most since I have experienced painful unrequited love (LOL). To make myself more eligible as a fan, I decided to watch the anime end of prologue!

The main main protags are Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyo. Both are volleyball players. One is a genius while the other is a raw diamond. Kageyama, the genius is the 'arrogant king/dictator' who was once abandoned by his teammates. Hinata, the raw diamond, is... full of potential. He did not have the opportunity to train and learn volleyball from professionals because he's the only member in the club in junior high. The two met in a tournament, bickered, and part ways. However Lady Fate decided that "Hey, why not let these two meet in the same school" and viola! The rivals meet... in Karasuno High.

The school is labelled as a 'fallen crow'. But as the world cycle is, the strong have their downtimes, and they will rise again sometime later. There's this hot captain (whom I fell for), amazing Suga-senpai (mommy), and thug senpai who likes to be called senpai. Other notable characters include shorty cute senpai who likes to be called senpai, old man ace, tall-but-annoying Tsukki, and just-fer-fun freckles guy.
Hot damn captain... (but you know, I have a thing for guys with the nerd haircut)
Suga-senpai mommy~
My all-time-fave Nishinoya-senpai! (shorty-cute senpai)

Hinata and Kageyama stopped bickering and became friends. Together they developed an amazing skill that will be the teams' trump card --- the God Fast Spike. Kageyama uses his signature toss while Hinata spikes it down with his amazing jump and speed. Of course, Hinata's still a raw diamond so he needs more polishing; Kageyama needs to use his genius skills to coordinate with everybody. With this they'll (probably) become a strong team and compete in nationals. Like every sports animanga ever, they win the first few practice matches and the first one or two official matches, then taste defeat on the third or fourth round. They amaze their opponent with their trump card and change tactics as soon as the other side is defending against Hinata. This won't work on the same opponent twice though.

First they go against Aoba Johsai(rly? AOBA?! I LITERALLY PUKED MYSELF). Kageyama's senior Oikawa is a setter there and he's sadistic I gotta tell you. Gives me the creeps. They beat the team just cause Oikawa wasn't there to play. Close call. Second was just a match between old guys and youngsters, with the Libero and Ace and new coach and graduate seniors there to witness the God Fast Spike. Third was an old rival school Nekoma. In this practice match the team learned useful tricks and made new friends. The two teams are finally becoming rivals again. After that they competed for nationals. Hot Captain meets his old friend in the first match, and they managed to beat "The Iron Wall", in which Asahi (old man ace) regains his confidence and love for volleyball. Finally the anime ends when Aoba beats Karasuno... they wail for a day, and stand again.

My thoughts: Of course, it doesn't end there! The manga continues with awesome practice matches and amazing new techniques! But then, to get the true hype you'll need to see it in action... Hinata needs a lot of assurance from his teammates just cause he thinks he can't do it well, but hey, volleyball's not a one-man show! However like all stereotype protags, Hinata has unlimited potential, and these will gradually show through the course of the manga. There are not many female charas in the anime, only their beautiful manager Kiyoko-san, but that woman is a tough person too. Anyone who can keep up with thug senpai and shorty senpai is awesome! Also it'll be interesting to see how the team is going to grow after the third-years leave, and the next batch of first-years come in. Will the four simple-minded idiot high-schoolers grow anymore? I hope not. It's nice watching them getting all excited over a point and screaming "WWWHHHHUUUUOOOOO!!!!!" all the time! There's also all the bonding scenes, where everyone's like "we're opponents, but off the court we're friends" and they teach each other new tricks and practice together, giving ecah other motivation to grow stronger and work harder.

Then there's shipping! The obvious is obvious, but Tsukki doesn't get paired up with freckles-guy though. GAH who cares?! The KageHina doujinshis are always so darn fluffy, I'm starting to feel jealous! Old man ace and shorty senpai are more like bromance to me(partially because I won't share senpai with anyone) and captain... captain I'll only ship with Suga-senpai mommy, because 1, I keep captain for myself; 2, only Suga mommy is qualified (my standards)!

I can't stop smiling while watching every single episode and I don't know why! The manga has same effect! I didn't know sports animanga could be THIS addicting! I had KNB on hold already, as soon as I finish Kekkashi and KHR I'm gonna hammer down on that one! Because of this anime I've regained my love for manga. I bought three volumes in an old comic store(which I haven't been to since I was like, 12?!) after visiting a university campus in KL. It's too bad that they don't have the 3 books for 12 offer anymore in ANY SHOP WHICH KILLS ME!!!! Manga used to be so cheap with that offer! I could buy the whole series if not for the upcoming goods tax ...(they say books do not have a price increase, but leisure mags and probably manga don't count as books) I mean last time Gempak's black and white comics used to be around 7 bucks but has now increased to 10?! What will be of the colored ones?!

Well, for the closing, I have a special video found in tumblr as a prelude for those who intend to watch the anime. Remember kids, the protag may be clumsy, but he's a raw diamond, full of unlimited potential.