18 December 2022

Review: Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness

Current mood: .....

Man. This game is a lot of things, including being a mouthful. Probably the game with the longest title I have ever had the pleasure of reviewing on this blog. Can't search for gameplay tips without giving up at the search bar. At least give the main title a number! (Hint: it's SO5)

This will have to be my first introduction into the series since nobody is selling PS3 games anymore, and I know there are Star Ocean games in last gen. I'm not so desperate as to mass buy 100 games at once yet. Bought this years ago when the PS4 was still fresh in the house but never got around to playing it because I'm easily distracted by new, shiny things. Burnout sucks balls but at least I am clearing the backlog now. 

This long-ass title game was released in 2016, 5th in the series, which was the latest until the release of the 6th this year (2022). Do I gotta get that now????