20 September 2018

Review: Yakuza 0 (video game)

Current mood: derere-derere-dererererere!!!! derere-DERERE!!!!!! (If you don't get it, it's the intro music.)

After thinking about it for few months, I finally got myself a Yakuza game after various Hollie ramblings about the series and a Tuesday Checklist about PS classics. Damn Hollie really got me!

As someone whose only experience in action and beat-em-ups is 2 hours in God Of War, 1 hour in Devil May Cry 3 and a few hours in a unfinished broken Bayonetta disc (still sad about that), not surprising anyone, I SUCKED at all of those! God of War? Owned me with the first boss. DMC3? Can't get past the first boss. Bayonetta is the first action game I wanted for myself, so I diligently beat all the bosses, but every chapter I cleared has a shit score. Then it broke, so we'll never know if I can beat the final boss. My forte is the leisure genre of JRPGs, so I have no prior experience to extreme button mashing. But boy was that about to change.