30 November 2014

Criteria to a gathering

Friday's gathering totally sucked. I met friends I'm not supposed to meet, felt insulted, opinion not respected and regret slapped my face like a bitch.

But I had it coming. I knew all along something of the sort was going to happen, and I ignored my instinct. So now I'm making my own rules to abide when it comes to attending gatherings. I'm probably NOT going to attend a gathering if:
  1. it is not thoroughly organised,
  2. there are more than 10 people,
  3. there are people who I'm not acquainted with,
  4. there are people who I'm not to familiar with,
  5. there are people I don't really get along with,
  6. the venue is somewhere without a bookstore,
  7. there are people with food problems,
  8. there are people who deny/insult BOOKS
If the gathering has all the above, it's 100% that I won't be attending that said gathering. The last one is fairly important because I WON'T HAVE SOMEONE WHO TREAT BOOKS LIKE DIRT STAND NEXT TO ME IN A BOOKSTORE. You can dislike books but you cannot insult them.

However there are always exceptions...

Attending any gathering which has the following criteria may end up badly for me, so I had to choose which to go and which to ignore. But mostly I ignore those which have more acquaintances than friends.

27 November 2014

Up up and AWAY!

My external hard drive broke down. Crashed. Died. Any word that suits the situation. All my artwork and downloaded stuff... gone, just like that. This is almost like that time I lost my iPod nano to school, and I'm not even sure if it's confiscated or stolen! I need to LET IT GO! LET IT GO! CAN'T HO-


So I've decided to digitally start anew with this incident. I may have lost my greatest fanfiction (and *cough*smut*cough*), but all is good because I can rewrite a better and fancier version. Think things in a positive way. But sometimes it's impossible. When I think about changing my theme, I get sad again because all my scans are gone. I have to do them again but I don't have time for that. Music files are ok, video files not so much (except for ATLA episodes I mean it took me ages to find a download!) However I hope I can get this over because I'll face even more horrible situations in the future. May Yevon bless me.

Don't tell my mom, but I've played Journey TWICE. The first time was a secret affair on 7th Nov(I think), and the second yesterday night. I even earned a trophy! It is a heart-wrenching game and I'm not going to put 'was' in the sentence. I drew a heart and my companion drew a crown! Bundled in the collectors' edition was Flower and Flow. Flower was another one of those tear-jerking games. The end was great and colorful, but the first hour was hard because of the controls that make me dizzy. I was literally driving with a game controller!

Really now, this whole post's point is not about games damnit!

So a week or so later I'll be on my way to fulfill my duty as a Malaysian! Just kidding. I shall be away for a long, long time, reminiscing my past and dreaming my future in adversity.

Childhood song #4:

17 November 2014

End of the line, baby

Naruto has ended.

Surprised? Well, if you're hanging out in the right corners of Tumblr and Twitter, you might catch wind of this... Man, this stuff spreads like wildfire!

Naruto is not in my fandom list, but I've been seeing it like, since I started to watch TV! Last time I used to make jokes about it: The story is about this guy N, who likes gurl S, and she likes duck butt hair guy, and then three of them are stuck in this love triangle when suddenly the guys think it's time to fight and thy keep fightinjgnshjfdgfsd

It's a long story. PSSSST... Neji's dead. (ARGAHAHGAHJdkdcfl;gvlre)

On to Legend of Korra then...
TOPH IS ALIVE!!!!! I can't believe it at first, but hell breaks loose I tell ya! Toph's sarcasm never gets old they don't! Really, watch that one episode if you can. Then Kuvira begins wrecking havoc in the Earth Kingdom, Korra gets beaten up (Go gurl, I believe in you), and she met up with Asami, girlfriend friendship bonding, then continue to fight crime like usual...

A: You met Toph? What was she like?
K: Uhh, cranky, more miserable version of Lin.
M: Is that even possible?
K: You'll be surprised.

LOL what's up with that?! I almost spit my saliva! Baatar Jr. locates some spirit vines in the swamp, and they were going to destroy the big ass swamp tree in there. Toph's not going to be happy about it. I do hope she gets to kick some ass next episode. I personally think that Kuvira and her army WILL NEVER stand a chance against the old metalbending master, but hey, who knows? The pupil may defeat the master...

Childhood song #3: