30 December 2010

My Shounen Onmyouji collection!

I'm so good to be back! Juz taken a few photos of my huge collection of Shounen Onmyouji novels.... wah!

From left to right:
1st: 異邦の影を探しだせ
2nd: 闇の呪縛を打ち砕け
3rd: 鏡の檻をつき破れ

From left to right:
4th: 禍つ鎖を解き放て
5th: 六花に抱かれて眠れ
6th: 黄泉に誘う風を追え
7th: 焔の刃を研ぎ澄ませ

From left to right:
9th: 真紅の空を翔けあがれ
10th: 光の導を指し示せ
11th: 冥夜の帳を切り開け
12th: 羅刹の腕を振りほどけ
13th: 儚き運命をひるがえせ

From left to right:
15th: いにしえの魂を呼び覚ませ
16th: 妙なる絆を掴みとれ
17th: 真実を告げる声をきけ
18th: 嘆きの雨を薙ぎ払え
20th: 果てなき誓いを刻み込め

22nd: 数多のおそれをぬぐい去れ

Short stories so far.
From left to right:
8th: うつつの夢に鎮めの歌を
14th: 其はなよ竹の姫のごとく
19th: 翼よいま、天へ還れ
21st: 思いやれども行くかたもなし

More info and books on http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/shounenonmyouji/index.php