18 December 2022

Review: Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness

Current mood: .....

Man. This game is a lot of things, including being a mouthful. Probably the game with the longest title I have ever had the pleasure of reviewing on this blog. Can't search for gameplay tips without giving up at the search bar. At least give the main title a number! (Hint: it's SO5)

This will have to be my first introduction into the series since nobody is selling PS3 games anymore, and I know there are Star Ocean games in last gen. I'm not so desperate as to mass buy 100 games at once yet. Bought this years ago when the PS4 was still fresh in the house but never got around to playing it because I'm easily distracted by new, shiny things. Burnout sucks balls but at least I am clearing the backlog now. 

This long-ass title game was released in 2016, 5th in the series, which was the latest until the release of the 6th this year (2022). Do I gotta get that now????

18 November 2022

Review: Ar Nosurge

Current mood: Might as well not have comprehension skills because I can't read or do math!

I lied. It wasn't Star Ocean, it's Ar nosurge because I suddenly remembered I have a save file. I was 8 hours in and can't be bothered to go through the tutorials again so I started another playthrough... just to experience the second-hand embarrassment which is sex jokes, more sex jokes, and accidental perverts all over again. How did this game got a 16+/T content rating, idek. This thing has more sex than the opening of AC Brotherhood (a fade to black sex scene, and I played this fucker in the living room while my parents were there, in full volume so there was no mistaking what happened), heck, it has more sex than the whole of Bayonetta, and that game has a 18+/M rating. The sex in this game is that bad.

24 October 2022

Review: Tales of Xillia

Current mood: I'm going to fucking dose off man

This is my second attempt at writing a review for this anniversary game. The first draft was written right after I finished Jude's side in 2016, which was such a dumpsterfire mess that I had to delete the whole thing cause what the fuck was that thing kill it with fire!!!!!

Of course, whenever I revisit media after a few years I always gain new insight and cringe at my own writing so here it is! The new review minus the 2016 jokes with a hint of adult cynicism.

Tl;dr: I was too burntout to replay the game as Milla, 6 years has passed, and I'm still burntout but I got things done.

18 October 2022

Review: Tales of Symphonia (video game)

*As I write this Tales of Symphonia Remaster was just announced for various platforms... 2 weeks after I beat it (in the form of Chronicles)... omg...*

Current mood: I- who- what is happening? Wha- why am I level 47 holy sh-

Tales of Symphonia is one of the most beloved titles in the Tales series lineup, first released for the Gamecube, PS2, then for its 10th anniversary, bundled with its sequel Dawn of the New World as Tales of Symphonia Chronicles on the PS3.

I got the PS3 version babeyyyy we're going back to our polygonal roots!

(sorry that this is a mobile game art instead of the actual box art or something bc this is literally the only one with all the playable characters that don't feature the sequel characters)

24 August 2022

Revisiting: Tales of Vesperia (DE)

Current mood: fsgahdjajkaksks

Stupid ass PS4 requires installation now so I had to delete other game files to make room for this 14(?) year old title... I'm not complaining though because I get to experience fluri bromance first hand babeyyyyy!!!!

26 May 2022

New Horizons and More

Note: this post is not about the Animal Crossing game. 

For some reason I fell into the videogame youtube shitpost scene and it makes me forget my woes but it also keeps me awake at night so I wake up shitty and tired. Of course it's DMC5. Of course. Watched a shitpost and then a comedic summary vid that inflicted all kinds of pain on me for laughing too hard. Didn't fully understand the memes at the time but after some research... what is with the memes of this game! Ngl the music slaps hard tho, haven't been this pumped since Y0, even though it's a different type of hype. Its more metal than rock or techno but it gets your blood pumping and you always want for seconds. I may be an ambient/synth kind of person but give me a good techno mix and I'm motivated (geddit, it's a DMC meme- never mind) I have the RGG franchise to thank for my varied taste in music.

If I actually played the DMC franchise no doubt I would fucking bawl my eyes out at Dante and Vergil because siblings!!! My weakness!!!! But I'm not so one can only imagine the pain it would inflict. Never been good with hack n' slash anyways so I'm content to just watch gameplay vids.

FFXIV still hanging on a thread because I have plans to start Mirror's Edge Catalyst soon and replay the original Mirror's Edge for the 3916145 time. Levelling is getting tiring but I managed to get shit done, at least on 2 classes and currently working on the 4th which is not a tank. The game is cool but it made me feel bad about myself for the past month so I should stop to recover. I swear this is why I don't play MMOs...

The newest Fantastic Beasts movie is out and boy! My expectations for the movie were low but holy fuck! I might have just lost my last fuck. At least the last movie had some 'beasts' but this? This is just Divorce Settlement The Movie. Not that it's a bad divorce settlement movie (I've seen worse) but it would have worked better as it's own thing and not in Fantastic Beasts. It's literally all subtitle and no main title. Of course Tina only shows up in the last 1% but I wouldn't be this upset if they had even a semblance of the main title in the film. Did they run out of budget for CGI animals? Where all the beasts at? Gods fucking dammit I want to be disappointed but the divorce settlement plot got me. Also they cast Mads Mikkelsen as the new Grindelwald, now that's what I call an actual charismatic man who can and will steal yo gurl (or guy). Mads Mikkelsen with Jude Law? I'm starting to believe.

The fun part of this whole series of movies is the fact that it happens earlier in the timeline so anyone who read the books and supplementary material knows the end, my parents being not one of them. So when they started talking about Grindelwald being elected I was like "Nah, didn't happen, would've been catastrophic if it did." Dumbledore is gay? "Yeah author mentioned it somewhere before this was a thing, moving on." Mom also mistook Credence for young Snape because of his new hairstyle LMFAO Why did Queenie support Grindelwald? "Well, that's because- (goes on a long tangent about muggle-wizard relationship laws at the time and the differences between the UK and USA), you get it?" They don't.

Hate to contribute to Rowling's relevance but in the end I'm weak and cannot let go of this movie franchise (specifically FB) only because the OTP is in there and I need to see it to fruition. Best case scenario, she doesn't botch it. Doesn't really matter if she does mess it up anyways because this is the internet and fan content creators don't care. Catch me buying the screenplay just for the scene of Newt and Tina in the last 3 minutes or so of the movie. I will do that for the OTP, I am that deranged.

All in all, a meh movie, especially within the franchise. The first one is the gold standard and it's all downhill from there. Divorce settlement subplot? Pretty cool if it didn't take the spotlight of the main title! What will the next one be like I wonder...

15 March 2022

Life updates (and some other dump)

I was wondering if I mentioned anything about me starting the adult life but apparently not! Last actual post about life was a month before I started working! The pandemic really fucked up everyone's sense of time...

So yeah, I started working. Not a surprise since being a neet is unsustainable for someone with a hobby like mine. A lot happened since that last life update post (mostly my mental state but we're not talking about that rn and I haven't felt that shitty since the new year so that's a good sign? I guess?), the most significant change being I AM A MMORPG PLAYER NOW HOLY SHIT-

Past me would never believe it because I am terrified of multiplayer. But the sexy fanart and memes are too good to pass up so I caved. I actually started playing the expanded free trial since August 2020 but didn't sub until the new expansion announcement in February 2021. I was in deep man. I played FF14 whenever time allowed which means 13-14 hour gaming sessions during my off days, which now that I think about it, was really bad. The hype died down a bit after I finished Endwalker but it's not the lack of content or activities, in fact I have tons of levelling to do, but the burnout caught up. That, and ping is super bad so I can't play without disconnecting or lagging every few minutes. Frustrating stuff. Also I'm just a lousy player so I can't go into multiplayer activities without having an anxiety attack. Anyways here's my character, it's cringe but it's my brand of cringe.

Since I broke my own rule of not playing any game on the PC, consoles have been lying dead for a year at least. I remember booting up two of the three to play some Tales and... promptly went back to FF14. There aren't many new games that caught my eye in the past year, I'm not interested in the newer Assassin's Creed games, I don't have a PS5 for Tales of Arise, and I've given up on getting AC3 Liberation at this point. Plus, I don't know if I have the time to play during weekdays after work. It's always so much easier just click the FF14 launcher and sign in. I'll go back to consoles, someday...

Gaming consoles are not the only things getting ignored. The only novels on my shelf right now are a few completed series and two ongoing, one of which is getting less attention than the other (looking at you TUL, I'm so sorry that you got sidelined for a series which I have been following for 12 years now but sometimes life do be like that).

SSMY hyperfixation died down a bit but I'm still buying the manga without a care in the world (since I'm earning my own keep now hah!), still makes me roll on the bed in silent screams whenever I think about their wholesome dynamic and let's not forget the FLOOR. Ever since sensei pulled out all the stops in that chapter things have been hornier and hornier each chapter. Just when we thought stuff couldn't get better she makes us go batshit crazy about something else.

Of course there's my latest hyperfixation, Netflix's She-Ra, or as the people call it, SPOP. Everything that has to be said was said in the review post so go read it! Just know that I've had gay brainworms since early March and it's not going away anytime soon. It's so gay. Soooooooo gay.

Art-wise, I had a lot of time to hone my sklls in the 2 years since the pandemic started... I've gained new skills including: non-explicit nsfw, tongue, fluids, blood, backgrounds (but not really) and SHIP ART (this is important). The 1 year anniversary of my fangame also passed in September 2021, so there's a special illustration I did for all my hard work, expanded on the yakuza AU for ssmy/iwnry, drew more cringe for FF14... Basically I've been drawing a full piece every month, sometimes more. Except December because EW happened. Here's the summary:

Sadly you won't be able to find any of my art anywhere anymore. One of the biggest things I did was the deletion of my deviantart page. It was hard for me to do because I grew up with the site and my art journey was very much influenced by the community, but I no longer feel like posting my art online, not after all the failed attempts and disappointment. The art I made was still meant to be shared, such is the nature of an artist, so I'm still figuring out the best way to do this without actually posting online. Until then, the only way for anyone to see anything I make is to wait for the yearly art summaries, or until I couldn't take it anymore and go back to pixiv. Stay tuned I guess?

Here's an artzine I made last year (it's choppy bc CSP is a bitch and wouldn't let you export in pdf format unless it's the jpn version of the program).

Today I present to you, a banger from 2013 that I discovered thanks to a catradora fanfic I read:

Aaaaaaand that's all folks! Here's to a better rest of 2022!

11 March 2022

Review: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)


Ok. I can't believe I'm actually writing a review post before a new year post that was in my drafts since January. And I only have one post in 2021 which is crazy to even think about but I digress. I'm not here to reflect on my inconsistent updates but to scream about a Netflix show. So here we are.

See, the thing about Youtube is that you can watch one random video and get 5814467412 more recommended and you just spiral down. That was what happened. SPOP might have came out in 2018 and officially ended mid 2020 (so that's 2 years since) but I have some scenes shoved in the back of my mind that make me go 'huh that was a thing', which prompted me to actually watch the show  ̶o̶n̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶d̶a̶d̶'̶s̶ ̶T̶V̶b̶o̶x̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ so anyway I made a bad decision to binge it a day before work starts and it was bad. I spent every waking moment of the first week of March thinking of nothing but fucking gays. Spoilers I guess?

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) is a Dreamworks production aired in Netflix with 5 seasons in a cartoony-anime style reminiscent of ATLA. It has little to do with the og She-Ra cartoons from the 80s, instead taking its concept and characters to tell a different story. It also has no ties to He-Man so basically you can go into this blind.

Title card for S1-4, featuring a gay ass rainbow