30 November 2014

Criteria to a gathering

Friday's gathering totally sucked. I met friends I'm not supposed to meet, felt insulted, opinion not respected and regret slapped my face like a bitch.

But I had it coming. I knew all along something of the sort was going to happen, and I ignored my instinct. So now I'm making my own rules to abide when it comes to attending gatherings. I'm probably NOT going to attend a gathering if:
  1. it is not thoroughly organised,
  2. there are more than 10 people,
  3. there are people who I'm not acquainted with,
  4. there are people who I'm not to familiar with,
  5. there are people I don't really get along with,
  6. the venue is somewhere without a bookstore,
  7. there are people with food problems,
  8. there are people who deny/insult BOOKS
If the gathering has all the above, it's 100% that I won't be attending that said gathering. The last one is fairly important because I WON'T HAVE SOMEONE WHO TREAT BOOKS LIKE DIRT STAND NEXT TO ME IN A BOOKSTORE. You can dislike books but you cannot insult them.

However there are always exceptions...

Attending any gathering which has the following criteria may end up badly for me, so I had to choose which to go and which to ignore. But mostly I ignore those which have more acquaintances than friends.

27 November 2014

Up up and AWAY!

My external hard drive broke down. Crashed. Died. Any word that suits the situation. All my artwork and downloaded stuff... gone, just like that. This is almost like that time I lost my iPod nano to school, and I'm not even sure if it's confiscated or stolen! I need to LET IT GO! LET IT GO! CAN'T HO-


So I've decided to digitally start anew with this incident. I may have lost my greatest fanfiction (and *cough*smut*cough*), but all is good because I can rewrite a better and fancier version. Think things in a positive way. But sometimes it's impossible. When I think about changing my theme, I get sad again because all my scans are gone. I have to do them again but I don't have time for that. Music files are ok, video files not so much (except for ATLA episodes I mean it took me ages to find a download!) However I hope I can get this over because I'll face even more horrible situations in the future. May Yevon bless me.

Don't tell my mom, but I've played Journey TWICE. The first time was a secret affair on 7th Nov(I think), and the second yesterday night. I even earned a trophy! It is a heart-wrenching game and I'm not going to put 'was' in the sentence. I drew a heart and my companion drew a crown! Bundled in the collectors' edition was Flower and Flow. Flower was another one of those tear-jerking games. The end was great and colorful, but the first hour was hard because of the controls that make me dizzy. I was literally driving with a game controller!

Really now, this whole post's point is not about games damnit!

So a week or so later I'll be on my way to fulfill my duty as a Malaysian! Just kidding. I shall be away for a long, long time, reminiscing my past and dreaming my future in adversity.

Childhood song #4:

17 November 2014

End of the line, baby

Naruto has ended.

Surprised? Well, if you're hanging out in the right corners of Tumblr and Twitter, you might catch wind of this... Man, this stuff spreads like wildfire!

Naruto is not in my fandom list, but I've been seeing it like, since I started to watch TV! Last time I used to make jokes about it: The story is about this guy N, who likes gurl S, and she likes duck butt hair guy, and then three of them are stuck in this love triangle when suddenly the guys think it's time to fight and thy keep fightinjgnshjfdgfsd

It's a long story. PSSSST... Neji's dead. (ARGAHAHGAHJdkdcfl;gvlre)

On to Legend of Korra then...
TOPH IS ALIVE!!!!! I can't believe it at first, but hell breaks loose I tell ya! Toph's sarcasm never gets old they don't! Really, watch that one episode if you can. Then Kuvira begins wrecking havoc in the Earth Kingdom, Korra gets beaten up (Go gurl, I believe in you), and she met up with Asami, girlfriend friendship bonding, then continue to fight crime like usual...

A: You met Toph? What was she like?
K: Uhh, cranky, more miserable version of Lin.
M: Is that even possible?
K: You'll be surprised.

LOL what's up with that?! I almost spit my saliva! Baatar Jr. locates some spirit vines in the swamp, and they were going to destroy the big ass swamp tree in there. Toph's not going to be happy about it. I do hope she gets to kick some ass next episode. I personally think that Kuvira and her army WILL NEVER stand a chance against the old metalbending master, but hey, who knows? The pupil may defeat the master...

Childhood song #3:

31 October 2014


This week is the last week for my most memorable classes, school and tuition alike.

History class had fewer students than usual, because everyone went to the Biology crash course and Accounts class. I was the only one wearing a school uniform LOL. The class is not particularly touching, none of my classes are, in fact.

Physics class was ok, my sir came in late, but we had a great time. I liked him the most, and I will miss him the most too. He was a great teacher.

BM was like usual, only longer, up to four hours for our last class. It was tiring and (almost) boring, like always, I dozed off at some point. She was an AWESOME teacher, and to think she can teach us a language she's not a native speaker of... just amazing. (And she did a better job than that of the native speakers)

Mandarin class in school was in a different location - in the school auditorium. Finally some air-conditioners during our last class! After the lessons we had a farewell party in the cafeteria and I was too full to eat anything. We took pictures and went on our way.

Before starting my Mandarin class though, something happened in the toilet. My phone fell into the toilet bowl.

EWWWWWW I know. Thank Etro there's nothing inside (nothing reeks ammonium, no brownish things) and it's shallow. I actually put my hand in to take out the phone, battery and cover out of the toilet bowl. I mean when people get desperate, you can do anything, even when it's gross.

Only later I realized it was as dirty as my hands could get, and I used soap to wash my hands trice. Then back at home I soaked my phone and hand in Dettol. I just died.

Childhood song #2:

24 October 2014


Like I said, late.

Apart from the celebration of a week-long holiday, I'm proud to announce that I've finally finished the badges! Yes! Even printed them on Saturday (there's one defective piece though). It cost me 70 dollars and I cannot undo that. *sobs* I distributed some in tuition and the rest will have to wait till school reopens.

I picked up Journey on Saturday too(WOHOO) and I cannot undo that either. As the exams are approaching I find myself thinking about Revelations. Arghh that game broke me. Desmond broke me. EVERYTHING IN THE DESMOND SAGA BROKE ME AHHHHH

It took me quite some time to finish this post mainly because I'm watching The Legend of Korra and fawning over the fact that Toph is still alive. Katara and Zuko were confirmed to be alive since the beginning, with Katara appearing in Book 1 and later, Zuko in Book 3. Aang is confirmed deceased(well, Korra would not be the avatar if he had not!), Sokka's death is considered true with Katara saying that 'her brother and most of her friends are gone'. No mention of Toph though.

With it's new steampunk theme, I wonder if the Avatar universe will live to see the modern age...? If Vaatu haven't destroyed everything already, that is.

Childhood song #1:

05 October 2014


Yes! Trials are ova! Yeshyeashyeshyeshyeshyesh!

I PASSED EVERY SUBJECT OMG. I nearly failed my Biology though... but as always, passing is the best I could ever wish for. Finally getting an 80+ for Maths and 70+ for Add-Maths has already made me too emotional.

Trials finished like three weeks ago, but I only started talking about this since I haven't got all the papers until a few days ago. I got second in class and 16 overall (still happy though I know that the places are of no standard). A lot of things happen in a few weeks' time. The light censors in my eyes are starting to notice weird things. Like how some of my friends are very talkative, or how some of them are irresponsible as heck, or even that some of them get stressed out when they're all happy-go-lucky (expected, the most cheerful ones are the ones who get depressed behind your back).

Then yesterday night I realized Malaysian stamps can GLOW IN TEH DARK!!!! Does anyone know that? Or everybody did not bother to open up their stamp collection in the dark?! It's not just the stamps on one of my old letters, but also the whole stamp collection I have! WTF is happening?! (but of course the glow is quite dim, so you'll have to be in complete darkness to see the effect)

Have some NieR.

Nostalgia playlist will start next post featuring songs from late 1990s to early 2000s! Just a little moment to dream about childhood.

21 September 2014














This was before I was into video games LOL. DRAKE UR SO PERFEK!!!!!


19 September 2014

I think I just broke my arm

Physics tuition made me think about... stuff. Sitting down quietly in the corner, shutting out all other noise, I realized that when I leave Delta the class I'm going to miss most is Mr. Moai's. His Physics class hardly delayed; his grandmother stories were as short as possible, not even taking up to 20 minutes! I'm gunna miss him.

Have I ever mentioned that cockroaches are my mortal enemies? I have tried to capture a cockroach with plastic, but failed to do so because of adrenaline rush (sorry). Then yesterday I saw another one, but it wasn't in my room. I got annoyed watching it running around like some ass so I decided to hunt it down. Hit it once, looks dead, so hit the second time to be sure. Then it was dead. Hit the third time to make sure it doesn't rise. The ****** splattered a 3 centimeter radius. Disgusting. To make sure it's really dead (I'm paranoid), I sprayed Ridsect. Twice. Put some toilet paper on it and left overnight. Still there when I woke up.

Trying to rush some designs for printing. Argh I'm testing my limits here! If I manage to finish at least 6 of the designs I can call it a day and send it for printing tomorrow. The other two can wait. I broke my arms (both, in fact) just to complete three designs... I have two more...

Planning on a second FF walkthrough, but it's been a year or more since I last created a walkthrough from scratch, so it's kinna hard. I decided before that I have to finish the sidequest section first, plus all the events and then learn how to write a page... again.

You know it's frustrating when you have a dream about your long-awaited book arriving in bookstores just to wake up feeling disappointed. I NEED MY NOVEL RIGHT NOW WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE IN POPULAR DAMNIT!!!! Speaking of books, Gandalf's famous
You shall not pass!
is in the first book, which I tried to find. Then I realized the book did not have anything of the sort, instead, the real quote was "You cannot pass!". The movie version was more epic though.

16 September 2014

September Holidays

Took me long enough to post this one. I didn't know what to write about.

Recently I got RPG Maker XP, and it was quite awesome. All they had were fantasy themed mapping and characters though. So to counter that I downloaded some custom made modern school tilesets. I planned to do Daughter of Mafia, but gave up because I can't find the appropriate sprites. Then something hit me on creating a Protagonist sim. LOL. But of course I have to do some scripting and learn how to generate events, and even draw a title screen for the sim! So much work to be done!

So few months ago Khei sent me this link to confirm my doubts on something. It was a bit surprising but hey, I wanted him to be first place anyway. Then few days ago the results of a popularity poll for anime characters in Japan came out and I can't believe who topped 1st... Makoto Tachibana, my current flame. Second goes to Haru, but he was the least of my concerns.

I was REALLY into Star Wars this holiday even before trials started. I thought kid Anakin was cute and the second episode blew me away. Why do padawan hairstyles have to be that... neat? Both Obi-Wan and Anakin looked hot in those. Gosh I have a kink! I used to think Darth Vader as 'Death Vader' for some reason. He was one of the most memorable characters in the series and I have to agree that no villain is as successful as him. And the stormtroopers are really adorable! Have you watched that twerk video?! Or other stormtrooper videos?! Or the one with Pewdiepie?!
Better than Miley Cyrus.

24 August 2014

Great Experience

What experience can be greater than one in which you have to survive? OK it's not that bad, but all the same. Yesterday was a replacement school day (sucks) and I attended school. It was the Monday timetable and it REALLY FEELS LIKE MONDAY because after school I have BM tuition replacement for tomorrow (sucksX2).

I was reluctant to go, but succumbed anyway. I finished early and waited 20 minutes for mom to show up. On the highway mom noticed something was wrong with the front left tire. We stopped at the side and viola! I was punctured.

It was a terrible feeling as we're halfway through the flyover, which was pretty dangerous plus the speeding cars and strong winds. We took out the spare tire from the boot and needed tools. Changing the tire was the easy part, but to pry the screws open...

Good thing the manual's in the car, so we managed to avoid tightening screws. However we're still females, no matter how hard mom and I pushed and pulled, it won't budge. We needed a man (who has that considerable amount of strength that we don't have) to help us. I called dad and he said he'll be there. We continued to do whatever we can, but in vain.

Finally a man waiting for the bus helped us unscrew the first screw. We literally cheered in joy. He continued to help us do the rest, but I unscrew the last one (it was great).

Well, I don't have a car, I don't have a driving license either, but at least I know how to change car tires.

This song's not bad...

29 July 2014

BookFest 2014+CORPSE PARTY

This is probably the worst time in a book fair I'm ever gonna experience.
I don't think I have the courage to attend next year's book fair, to be honest.
My babe's gone forever from that place, I swear.
I DID NOT buy any books from the fair, but I did buy some things from Kinokuniya (bless you).
And then, I got this feeling to avoid the book fair if I have to.
I realized that I'm not a book lover after all.
I'm just, a collector or something.
Since baby's probably NEVER going to appear in the fair again, I have no purpose to attend it.
Kinokuniya is always a better choice if you wish to drool on books, I guarantee!

Kinokuniya adventures!
So I did say I went to this awesome place didn't I? Since popular's gonna be selling cards soon, I'm outta business for a while (probably forever). While browsing through some manga I came an unusually familiar book cover. Ahh, where did I see that...? "Book of Shadows"...?

Sachiko paper doll=Corpse Party. That gurl with the pink headband is definitely Yuka. If I hadn't watched Pweds play CP I wouldn't have known. His commentary is hilarious! Go watch it if you have time and beware of panty shots.
PS: Yoshiki is cool, and I mean it.

20 July 2014

Education Fair!!!

Haha, this is the first time I went to an education fair. I haven't thought about next year, so going there was a great decision. Found lots of interesting places to go for my higher education. All of them requires at least 5 Bs on two Math and the three pure Science subjects. I was unsure of where to go, but the first stall called me. I've always wanted to further my studies in Taiwan, where we have great books and food (was that the point of going?). But seriously it's all the books and food that matters.

The second stall was on a university in Korea. The consultant of the said university asked me:
"Are you a fan of BIG BANG?" Of course not.
"I'm not really into K-pop."
"Aww, too bad. Cause (was it TOP?) is studying in this u."
Me thinks: ORLY? *insert rape face*
By the way it was Dankook University.

Our next stop was an Ireland U. There's a real mat salleh (sorry) there. Ahh the wonders of that university~ Gaming industry~ I wished to enter Ubisoft. It's international and near me... closest branch is in Singapore! There was one U in Hong Kong, and mom teased me about not getting my Cantonese right. Such a pain! The first consultant I saw when entering Hall 2 talked about various stuff. I mean like, everybody knows our SPM is (almost) of no standard?

We saw a stall selling pastries and *insert holy music* THERE WAS THIS EGG PUDDING WE COULD NOT RESIST AND BOUGHT IT IT WAS EFFING DELICIOUS BUT THE RETAIL STORES ARE SO FAR AWAY and we went on our way.

It does not interest me but...
I was curious about the voice talent thing, so I sat down with a consultant. That college is a special one. It trains people to be early childhood teachers. The consultant was a lecturer herself in the college and she said that many middle-aged women came for their courses just to take care of their children, especially those of special needs. She keeps pressing that "You have to have a passion to work with children" or it won't work sorta thing. I'm not into this field (though they say the pay's ridiculously high for a special needs child caretaker), but it might help some relatives and friends with children...

There was only one stall with a college in Japan, and that girl was SUPER CUTE AND TO THINK I THOUGHT SHE WAS JAPANESE but she's local. She said many people go there just for the animanga. Sorry gurl, but I do it for FINAL FANTASY.

Hall 1 was no special, but the last stall I visited kinda opened my mind. The consultant was a Datin, and she told us that her husband works in the ministry of education (did I say it right?). She told us about what's happening behind the 'scenes' (she was talking about National service) and that I could find a way around the procedure to freedom *insert holy light* actually she was trying to tell me that I could go wherever I wanted as long as I study hard.

After the long walk we went to MUJI just opposite of the convention center. It was AWESOME! You didn't see the stationery it sells! It all seemed so precious and OMG I can't describe the overwhelming urge to buy them all. Plain notebooks! Can you imagine! The colored pens! You can even customize your own notebook and envelope! *insert fangirl shrieking*

And here's a song to boost up your fighting spirit!

This song always give the the goosebumps brrrrr!

17 July 2014

I can't do it

I can't do it. It's too hard! No matter how hard I try to think, it won't come out! How to I cope with this inferiority? How do I escape with this 'peer pressure'? (note I don't have peer pressure) I feel really useless and confused. How do I start a paragraph? How should I use the points for the paragraph? How do I make the essay long enough? I DON"T KNOW! I am so frustrated. I'll never be able to surpass them, surely. I know the part of the reason is because I don't read enough books, but still... the truth hurts. I give up. I'll forever be the lamest student. I'll never surpass them. I'll never be at the same level as them. I'm a lowlife.

07 July 2014


National service may have me picked for hell training, but there are advantages too actually.

If I was chosen: I get a vacation in Taiwan! YOOOOHOOOOO!!!! ...but no gaming AT ALL.
If I was spared: Gaming for at least 4 MONTHS!! ...has to work to pay rent.
I'll definitely get fat if I'm spared, though I'll be working. Probs that I'll be standing at the counter. Probs. It's just a 2-minute walk anyway. How much exercise can I get with only a short walk? Close to none actually.

Last Friday was 'school open day', so mom went to take my slip. It was less than a minute and I'm out of the school in 20 minutes. I brought a friend home and I realized something.

Almost all of my friends who were guests in our house will comment about 2 things:
One, the enormous book collection;
Two, "Where is the rubbish bin?"
The book collection was actually larger if we add up my dad's pile of unread books and my novels and comics, not counting childhood storybooks and my aunt's two boxes worth of philosophical titles. We'll probably need a shelf or two to contain all of the books, but we don't have that much space at home.
About the rubbish bin... thanks to my mom's innovative mind, our bin was never visible. All you have to do is throw your dump out of the window and viola! It's in the bin.

Today during tuition I took out my card and continued work. When the counter need ed them I couldn't find mine anywhere! We searched up and down, but it was nowhere to be seen. I was considered as no card today. After finishing an essay Khei and I searched again and guess what? I was in her book. DAMN.

28 June 2014




15 June 2014

Journey, a beautiful game

So the holidays end on Father's Day lol. I didn't finish my holiday homework btw.
Add Maths was horrible.
Tried learning Hymmnos, but failed. Only memorized a sentence which means "I will be glad to turn myself into a song". I finally found out how to pronounce their numerals because I can't hear them in the songs. *facepalm* I sounded like opera chorus to me.

Also I'm here to voice out.
Can a game be this beautiful?! I mean look at it!

It's not only beautiful, but also you get to meet one player online. The only means to communicate with each other are through symbols which the character 'sings'. No dialogue, no text. It may seem hard, but somehow this brings the players closer together; I mean it! I can visualize it. The soundtrack is awesome, and the story is told through a series of silent arcs.

Disappointing thing is, such a great game like Journey is hardly sold anywhere. It's only been two years dude, if you're saying Ezio's Trilogy I can understand, but this game got many positive critics and awards! (The Last of Us was hard to find nowadays too) Up until now I've only found one store that sells it at RM100. That's almost $30+ in American currency! Playstation download is only $15, and Amazon sells it at $20. Amazon sells the Collector's Edition (Flow, Flower and game soundtracks included), plus shipping costs maybe over $30, but the soft copy is hard to resist. $15 is almost RM45++, and let's say it's RM50. It's a steal, only half the price! But... I don't have a banking account to buy the soft copy, so I have to stick to hardware.

I can get it by Tuesday if I buy it on Amazon now, but either way I can't play it. Wait for six more months. Same goes for other video games. Maybe I should try online shopping sometime (shipping costs... *sobs* I don't live in Jp or US...)

Your Journey starts now...

08 June 2014

A turn of events

Last Thursday I had Physics tuition. I arrived early and as usual, the class went on(Lian Qi and the gang didn't come). We were talking about AC DC when... POP! The whole class went black! It was surprising, but no one screamed(if we were kids we might). Electricity was cut off. Teach went to the clerk for help and she looked at the power box. Nothing came out of it, so we went to Room 1 to continue class.

After collecting our cards Mr. Moai told us some good news: we are to have class in Room 1 tomorrow onward! The chairs are the best and I could sit real close to the whiteboard! ALL HAIL ROOM 1!!!!!!!

07 June 2014


My internet has been out since a month ago, and I dunno how long will this last, so I'm here to make an important announcement of ongoing haitus (if the internet isn't fixed anyway)

22 May 2014

May the Father of Understanding guide us

...for a brief moment. Apparent hiatus may continue during holidays so yeah, I'm getting real pissed.

This year we have 2 and a half weeks - almost 3 WEEKS worth of holidays, and all I can do is study and study and study. Other than studying it's still studying. Damn. My motto now is to get my hands on Elizabeth and then I'll get other Tales games for myself, and maybe in the meantime finish off AbOb.

It's the most dreadful time of the year - mid-year exams! All of us wish to jump of a cliff to eternity. Speaking of exams, I haven't prepared my script for Ezio's life story. It's due next month, the oral is in July. Add-Maths was great (Yeah REAL great), Science subjects are OK at the moment, but I've partially given up. Oh Yevon, oh Etro, be merciful to me, your loyal servant in this cruel, cruel world.

06 April 2014


Go listen to this playlist. NOW.

The above is an awesome playlist. Brings back a lot of memories, minus some missing songs. Then you get all the feels like, "What the hell, it's been a decade?! This song is soooooo OLD!" You go down memory lane, thinking of the days when you're still a silly brat, sitting down in front of the old box TV, watching cartoons, maybe you heard some songs on the radio or during advertisements.

Few years later you're that shite teenager in school, listening to the radio. Then your hear this familiar song, but you don't remember the name, or the artist. Good thing we have SoundHound these days. I remember listening to Shania Twain's
Ka-ching on TV when I was a kid all the time (with the music video) and I only found the song by accident a month ago! There was another song, but I forgot the melody entirely, so it's no use.

Then there was this old mosquito repellent advertisement which they used a song of old. I don't get why my friends can't seem to recall the thing.

18 March 2014

Liberty, Time and Love

Watching crazy shows make you crazy too. I mean it.

Sorry to say this, but happy belated birthday Desmond. Wish the brotherhood could celebrate with you, but I guess Lucy will keep you company...

I have so many feels, so it'll be hardcore rambling post!

I had liberty, but I did not see it;
I had time, but I did not know it;
And I had love, but I did not feel it.

Liberty. He had plenty of liberty when he was born. His parents were very much liberal. He could have silly fights with the Pazzi, beat up his sister's cheater, sleep with his girlfriend without getting caught. After that fateful day he lost his freedom. His loving family turned upside down in mere minutes. The men of his family were put in prison, his mother and sister spared, nevertheless, they were stripped of their happy family. He can never have fights with the Pazzi, he has to kill them; he can never beat up his sister's cheaters, he has to kill politics cheaters; he can never sleep with his girlfriend without getting caught, his love life with Cristina ended... tragically. His later life was occupied by vengeance and hatred. All his life he used to protect those he loved, and the order which caused it all. Only at around 50+ did he get his liberty back, and it was a little too late.

Time. When he was young he spent money and time on women and wine. He had a leisure life. In a few moments he turned from handsome, naive, carefree brat into brooding, vengeful man. The men of his family were hanged. His father, his older brother and even the youngest who was only 13. He used his time to track down those who framed his family of conspiracy. He barely had time for his mother and sister, who has also lost their beloved family members. He spent his time on 'the greater good', just to let it get messed up by some future guy in the 1750's. His time was short when his career as a killer ended.

Love. His family was very close. He had the love of his life. Then one event took them all away. His mother lost the sparkle in her eyes. She became very weak and frail, and was especially shocked by the death of his husband and sons. His sister Claudia was doomed to sit in front of the logbook doing sums, later shamed and criticized for her role as the madam of a brothel. He closed his heart and kept it from other people. He may have many loves from different cities, but his heart was all for Cristina. However they both knew their love would never bloom or bear fruit. She died in his arms 25 years later. Then he met Sofia, his new hope. His new driving force that kept him alive for another 10+ years. He had found love again, but he was short on time.

He had all three when he was young, but he did not realize their existence. Only when he had lost them entirely that he knew: it was all too late to regret it now. He was a fine mentor. He was famous. After Altair, he was the next best thing the brotherhood could ever ask for.

I watched as he came to this world. I watched him grow. I saw him die. He grew from a boy to a man in a few hours. Was that a strain? Yes it certainly was. But he did not know.


(Don't lose you way in your mind
We have to be as one
Don't be afraid my sweet heart
This is the way to be more strong)

08 March 2014

I'm Back!

Heeeellooooo! I'm back after the long haitus! It's been a busy week as I have exams(oops, I'm not finished yet) and other stuff to worry about, but here I am, REVIVED!

There's always lots to talk about, but news flash is:
I'm drawing mini comics on everyday life every week (hopefully)
Going to start reading Game of Thrones (if I can find a bookstore that sells them)
GIF making will start soon (very very very long time)
Hurry up and finish half of The Last of Us gameplay (if I can manage anyway)

All of them will mostly start during the coming holidays if I do not have any delay activities like sailing the high seas or hunting. Well, I'm starting the week after exams! I'm impatient!

'Sleep Book'

16 February 2014

Belated Valentines

Last week was an eventful week I tell ya, V-Day is on Friday!
I've been busy making cards fer friends the whole week starting on Tuesday with limited resources and postponed naps. Everyday was hectic as I had to run around the store for materials. Worst even, I don't have a color printer at home and I had to visit a shop to get the images printed (poker face). To make things worst, I overlooked someone and had to think of a way to do the card with only scraps left. I managed... somehow. I promised myself to take pictures of the cards to keep as memories, but they weren't taken until midnight, which I scrambled out of my bed and took sloppy and rushed pictures.
To Nezumi, who thought of a great story I wished to take part in;

To Leena, with her undying love for Mako and Haru, plus Aomine;

To S.Yee, in which she shall fly to freedom with her invisible wings;

To Aevyn, and her sweet tooth for Sticky;

To Lian Lian, my 'waifu', for she requested candy;

To H.Han, and her Forever Alone blog;

To Khei, who reminds me of cats;
To Heidi, who is famed for cuteness;

To Shizu, with her small, cute puppy-like features;

To Ern, and her wish to go to Hgwarts;

To WanNee, and her splendid personality;

To Zhin, the cow, the sparkling night;

To Little Sheep, the cutest person alive;
To Hooi Shin, Roast Bun, a simple card;

And lastly Ainina, who loves Aomine

The hardest card to make was probably Aeveyn's with such a thin piece of paper and tons of things to stick. Little Sheep's was the most heartbreaking as I changed her card THREE times and finalized with using a very dear piece of paper. The most expensive was Ainina's, adding up the printing services and the paper used, I think it's very well more than a ringgit. The sparkly paper was so hard to glue, I partially gave up. Then I realized that the crumpled pink paper was HARDER. It came off every. Single. Damned. Time.
