31 October 2014


This week is the last week for my most memorable classes, school and tuition alike.

History class had fewer students than usual, because everyone went to the Biology crash course and Accounts class. I was the only one wearing a school uniform LOL. The class is not particularly touching, none of my classes are, in fact.

Physics class was ok, my sir came in late, but we had a great time. I liked him the most, and I will miss him the most too. He was a great teacher.

BM was like usual, only longer, up to four hours for our last class. It was tiring and (almost) boring, like always, I dozed off at some point. She was an AWESOME teacher, and to think she can teach us a language she's not a native speaker of... just amazing. (And she did a better job than that of the native speakers)

Mandarin class in school was in a different location - in the school auditorium. Finally some air-conditioners during our last class! After the lessons we had a farewell party in the cafeteria and I was too full to eat anything. We took pictures and went on our way.

Before starting my Mandarin class though, something happened in the toilet. My phone fell into the toilet bowl.

EWWWWWW I know. Thank Etro there's nothing inside (nothing reeks ammonium, no brownish things) and it's shallow. I actually put my hand in to take out the phone, battery and cover out of the toilet bowl. I mean when people get desperate, you can do anything, even when it's gross.

Only later I realized it was as dirty as my hands could get, and I used soap to wash my hands trice. Then back at home I soaked my phone and hand in Dettol. I just died.

Childhood song #2:

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