30 November 2014

Criteria to a gathering

Friday's gathering totally sucked. I met friends I'm not supposed to meet, felt insulted, opinion not respected and regret slapped my face like a bitch.

But I had it coming. I knew all along something of the sort was going to happen, and I ignored my instinct. So now I'm making my own rules to abide when it comes to attending gatherings. I'm probably NOT going to attend a gathering if:
  1. it is not thoroughly organised,
  2. there are more than 10 people,
  3. there are people who I'm not acquainted with,
  4. there are people who I'm not to familiar with,
  5. there are people I don't really get along with,
  6. the venue is somewhere without a bookstore,
  7. there are people with food problems,
  8. there are people who deny/insult BOOKS
If the gathering has all the above, it's 100% that I won't be attending that said gathering. The last one is fairly important because I WON'T HAVE SOMEONE WHO TREAT BOOKS LIKE DIRT STAND NEXT TO ME IN A BOOKSTORE. You can dislike books but you cannot insult them.

However there are always exceptions...

Attending any gathering which has the following criteria may end up badly for me, so I had to choose which to go and which to ignore. But mostly I ignore those which have more acquaintances than friends.

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