01 January 2013

2012 (Lame) Review

No fixed topic, no limitations.

- School and friends -
2012 was quite the exciting year of my life. The days burst of energy and the teachers just won't shut up (you know what I mean)! They had high expectations and we let them down, we tend to worry a lot when the big day is near and when it's over, we're never ever staying still again.

It was quite the relaxing year, which I think it won't repeat for 2013. You can do whatever you want when the most boring teacher is teaching in front, sleep at the back when you know the teacher's not going to look, and even read your 'other' books when you finish those annoying Maths the teach gave. What's more, in the morning class, you can have more breaks than those of the afternoon class! You know, skipping lessons and all.

The most important part is, you get to act the usual self without the need to worry how others will think of you. That's probably the only reason why I love about school.

Friends? Oh, I didn't make more this year! I am not the type who knows how to smile, and so the strangers may keep a distance. I don't like to talk to people I don't know or I am not fond of, or someone who is not more than an acquaintance. It's like what they say, the difference of how you act in front of a mere 'friend' and another one who is fairly close to you.

Speaking of friends, you know how I met that long-term-best-friend of mine, Jasmine? I wasn't in the same class as her when I was seven, but we were on the same bus. Everybody called her 'baby', because she was chubby and short. I started calling her that too, and after that we were in the same class the following year. We practically stuck together till the end of our children's time.

- Anime and Manga -
The most shocking thing about year 2012 was... I stopped watching anime. Usually when I was younger I would watch like, ALL of the season animes. But now... no, just no. The only few anime I watched (plus those halfway) were Eureka Seven AO, Last Exile (second adaption) and K. I also watched Gundam SEED HD Remake, so it's considered four animes this year only...

Don't mention about manga, I say! I've read tons this year other than my fandom Maid-sama! (and Fullmetal Alchemist *wink*) Check the 'Read Manga' list and... I dunno, mostly are shoujo because it's shorter and quicker to understand. The only mildly dangerous one in the list is Mysterious Girlfriend X. Comedic and mysterious, has some typical boyfriend-girlfriend stuff, but overall it's still a good read.

Silver Spoon! Another of Arakawa sensei's works, this is not so suitable for those people who hate disgusting things. Comedic, educational and fairly disgusting, it doesn't affect me because basically I can read the scene where the vet is doing the cow anal inspection (or whatever it is called) while eating my lunch without puking or anything.

- Novels (Novella) and Books -
The amount of my novels increased about 100% last year. I never thought I could read so much books in one year! Read more about my reading life here.

Bought two UL on the web, gonna wait for it from Mon to Fri, but probably will come in the morning when I'm at school. Bah! Little Sheep sure is excited about it. Sorry cause you're too late in ordering.

On the 26th, I bought the newest Shounen Onmyouji. I haven't started reading it, but one difference from the previous books - the poster is no longer attached. Hurrah!!!! Just today I bought another delicious book home, err... I dunno the title in English...

- Games and Gadgets -
Final Fantasy XIII - check. Final Fantasy XIII-2 - check. Mirror's Edge - extinct. Portal - still looking. Bayonetta - still looking. That's the gist of it. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix is finally done, so know it's my turn to wait patiently for the release and review. It's JUST a remake, after all.

Finally in Gran Pulse! while I was looking at one of the walkthroughs, the author put this as the intro:
A nice little intro to Gran Pulse, with a chocobo...yeah. Some more Gran Pulse scenery and whatnot. Oh! You see that giant Adamantoise that the Chocobos were running away from? Yeah, don't go near one of those until you're done with the game ಠ_ಠ You're like the height of it's foot. And do you see the thing that picked up the Adamantoise and ate it? That's Titan. You're 3/4ths the width of its finger. People who think we should be able to fight Titan are idiots. That thing only needs to touch the ground with it's finger to kill us all. We will never win, we'd get like a permanent game over and the disc would shatter.
I totally LOVE this one! I usually finish off the game and write the walkthrough later, so I may miss A LOT of cutscenes, like my FF12 one. Welp, have to be a good tour guide!

Crappy laptop. Then again, it is better than having to fight over the desktop with my aunt (or mom) and I get to set the wallpaper myself! The colors may be a bit off, but hey! That's all I can ask for.

- Art -
Improved or not? I wonder. With all the stress last year, I'm not too sure either. Anyway, I got a hang of IllustStusio during the holidays, and now I'm using it to do the Gaia commissions. Darn, I'm really slow. Still experimenting on new coloring techniques and effects, and I think I can still continue the Gaia shop.

Tomorrow's the day when I have to return to my normal state, studying, studying and studying (on the surface). The past year has been fun, but we have to move on. Wishing anyone who reads this an enjoyable 2013, thank you.

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