28 January 2013

I've Had Enough!

I've heard enough about people wanting me to fall and break. I've... had enough.

To anyone who reads my blog just to supervise my actions and critic me, you know what? YOU. ARE. SO. LAME. I don't care who you are, why you're doing this and what the heck's wrong with you, but I gotta give you credit for something. When I first made this blog, it was just a feeling of the moment; everybody had one, so I made one too. It took me long enough to think of an address for it, then I came up with what it is now. I told my friends and all they said was, "Wow, that's sooooo long!". A few people memorized the name, and the others just clicked on links. Back to the credit. What I'm giving credit is that you all get to remember such a goddamn long name just to supervise me. Congrats!

To a certain someone who I knew was reading my blog years ago, and told my mom to supervise me, look, I give you some respect since you're an elder, but I am a hundred times more decent than your daughter. I get it, she's your only child. You love her so much and you gave her freedom. Hell, I am the only child!

You know your stuff.

Let the rage down and generate lightning.

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