14 November 2011

Another Boring Day....

Random song of the day - Maybe I'm a Lion - Nobuo Uematsu

Nobuo Uematsu's "Maybe I'm a Lion"! Now it's one of my faves! Gotta root for Squall...

I watched the latest Transformers and learned: 1st, calling Autobots and Decepticons 'Machines' are a type of base insult. Ya know, they have 'brains' and they have feelings and thoughts. 2nd, Sam is just so lousy. Game over, man! Game over! 3rd, Ohmigod! They have saliva! 4th, Transformers isn't Transformers when there's no Megan Fox. She's hot, baby.

Gaming Ahead. Not interested? Skip.
Stupid gramps - Maurits - is goin' down! I defeated him just before I went to take my bath. Know how I did it? I took full control of Will and Norma! Mosses Happy Dance! Yeehaw! *dances the way*
End of rambling.

I finished the 2nd side story of Shounen and I'm in for the 4th (The 3rd is in the hands of Sheep). And what I'm about to read is about the favorite pairing of all time: Kazane and Rikugo. I'm not gonna talk about their love story in here, more likely, about their almost break up. Skinny Melon won't know about who's the love rival, but Sheep would. Is 比古珂神 familiar? Err, the synopsis says he saved the lovers, and it's true, but why would he want to marry Kazane...? Seriously, she's too old for the young lad of Masahiro's age. And the usually quiet-and-no-expression Rikugo wants to take back his woman. Hmm, don't lose, Slimy!

FF stuff, Serah and Yuna fans don't look.
One more thing: Serah looks like a bitch in FF13-2, she can rival with Yuna in FF10-2 for the 'Most Bitch Look'. Puh-lease! Why do the girls have to end up like bitches?! I'd rather choose Kairi from KH, and I hate KH, especially Kairi. Shirley Fennes is so much better!

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