10 December 2016




You'd think that after YOI ep 7 nothing can top that haha well guess again ep 9 features a heart wrenching airport marriage proposal wtf asdfghjkl and the preview mentions 'something round and golden', which is a medal but guess what is also round and golden? A WEDDING RING. There was also a church background so yeah we were hoping they can get married...

Reality? EP 10 stepped up their game with none other than: WEDDING RINGS OMG and a church scene where they put the rings on each other??? And Victor said they're going to get married after Yuuri wins gold???? There are also super sexy and funny dance off pictures during the credits. Now we know that Victor didn't become Yuuri's coach on a whim guys... Hahah lmao lemme lie down on the floor and cry ok


Final Fantasy XV has been out for a week. Of course people have finished the game, and I was contemplating on whether or not I should watch spoilers because for once I am determined to let the game surprise me (rarely happens, even with LR I knew what would happen), but I finally gave in to temptation and watched spoilers on YouTube. Ahahaha what a bad decision that was.


You know how all the hype was built on a happy coming-of-age roadtrip with bros??? The interactions between Noct and Luna that make us go all 'awww' in the kokoro? Prompto's amazing selfie skills? Haha you better enjoy whatever they give you in the first half of the game because lmao everyone is getting rekt in the second half!

It is already known that Noct and Luna are to wed in Altissia. It's a pretty romantic place, like Venice. I am SO EXCITED that finally after so much teasing from SE about their relationship Noct and Luna are going to meet! They haven't seen each other for 8 years??? How will they interact I'm so hyped for it... and look at what happened.

Levaithan gets super pissed, Noct is knocked unconscious and Luna, when trying to help him gets herself stabbed by none other than Ardyn, the chancellor of Niflheim. At first I was 'ehhh Luna probs will make it' until she appears in Noct's dream and gets engulfed by grabby smoke.

She gives the ring of Lucis (Regis entrusted it to her before he got dunked) to Noctis, fulfilling her role. The track "Love Lost" plays, tears were shed, 'NO!'s were shouted, handkerchiefs were used... it... was not great kids. Noct wakes up with a visually impaired Ignis notifying him that Luna has passed. Hahahaha not cool SE, not cool.

Noct mopes around, Prompto has identity issues, Noct gets sucked into the crystal and coma/hibernates for 10 years. 10 FUCKING YEARS. And here I thought the whole of the game takes place in a span of 10 years?! I am disappoint! Noct wakes up to save the world, fights Ardyn... and Ardyn says something that made me have war flashbacks.


Noctis kills Ardyn once and for all with the Kings of Lucis, the ring decomposes as Noctis dies in limbo. Bros are assumed to be dead too defending Noctis from daemons.

In the end, everybody dies, just like in Kingsglaive. :)

The screen fades to black, the opening dialogue of the game is repeated, "Stand By Me" plays, a scene before the end credits roll. Noctis cannot describe his feelings for his bros and breaks into tears. "APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS" plays and the epilogue?

Yeah Noct and Luna get married in the afterlife. :) And the genius is the last scene where Luna lies next to Noct, and both of them sleep. It hit me then, that Luna sleeps like the logo of Final Fantasy XV. Noct is later added to the logo. The end card is truly a masterpiece. More tears are shed, louder 'NO!'s are shouted, ran out of handkerchiefs... it doesn't feel good my guys.

I read this somewhere, but when Noctis thought he was groomed to be king, he was actually groomed to die.

Hahaha thanks for making me feel worse.


I'm having a emotional fandom week (like how I was when I finished Sweet Pool, man that still fucks me up sometimes), can't go on with life without thinking about the poor souls and crying. Usually a week is enough for me to cool down and collect my thoughts and today is Saturday so yeah I'm feeling quite ok. When Yuri on Ice ep7 came out it was the same, except that I would cry in joy instead of sadness. My friends and classmates are fed up with me lmao.

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