21 May 2019


Whaddaya know, the last ESC post was three years ago!

This year it's in Israel and it was a controversial decision to host ESC there but Israel won last year so the producers only have the jury and themselves to blame. There is a reason why my passport doesn't allow travel to Israel. And that reason is good ole religious conflict! Setting the religious controversy aside, this year is a whole mess from Madonna as guest performer and Iceland's bold move... there's a lot to unpack.

The first semi finals was on FIYAH! The percentage of unique performances and non-English non-ballad songs peaked in SM1! You won't believe some of these performances, ESPECIALLY AUSTRALIA.

Look I know the performance is boring, but they wore traditional clothes. Sang a folk song. Can't even let them in finals???

Ballad but not in English, the backing vocals are also so fucking awesome.

Some people joked that Australia is starting to understand what ESC is all about. Australia didn't win this year but gave a great performance and spawned internet memes. Yep.

The real winner of ESC 2019. The jury may not like them but the people have tastes and they have spoken!

The song itself is very close to being a ballad but Conan's not singing in English while giving us a true ESC experience and I can't deny his fake beard is dope as hell. It's unique and yet he didn't make it.

How about some sapphic imagery from Greece??? Isa English ballad but at least it's flashy. You gotta give out some Florence+The Machine vibes right?

It's sad to say that SM2 wasn't as interesting. SO MANY BALLADS!!!!! SO MANY ENGLISH SONGS!!!!! SO MANY BORING PERFORMANCES!!!!!

The performance was lit. But he didn't make it.

This is a good one. Boring performance but not in English and also not a ballad, bonus points for the haunting vocals.

The other real winner of ESC 2019. It's pop-y, a bit ballad-y and in English but it makes up with the super awesome sami chanting hoooooooo the jury didn't give them shit but they got the highest votes from the people.

Not a ballad whaaaa???? Also not in English, performance is a little normal but good visuals and apparently a good message too. Catchy as hell. Mahmood also won bonus points for wearing something that isn't all black or a suit.

For some reason Germany is a big loser in the public vote (getting 0 from the people), but the song itself is good.

Special mentions:

The performance wasn't the best and it is considered a ballad but it's not in English so pros to them!

The song in essence is my jam. It's a bit spacey and lazy, like most of the songs I listen to on Spotify. If they only made it more interesting. Also is this PDA allowed wtf

An English ballad that spawned thousands of memes on tumblr lol

Ballad, but noice visuals, bonus points for its meme-ability.

Even though I'm disappointed that this got into finals while the other good ones did not, it's still a catchy song and this old man is having the time of his life like how can I hate that.

Then there are the interlude and guest performances...

It's not Eurovision if Verka Serduchka doesn't show up haha. Really the one that made people who 'what the fuck is eurovision'.

Fun things that happened this year:
  • The jury giving North Macedonia all their douze points but Iceland and Norway crushing them in the public vote
  • The gay host that keeps mentioning his husband and embarrassing entrants with their shirtless pictures from instagram
  • Russia saying fuck it and does parkour instead of dancing
  • People losing their minds over Hatari's final act
  • Hatari looking indifferent whenever the camera is on them
  • Conchita putting Met Gala 2019 looks to shame
  • Mans???? Being as handsome as ever

Overall, this year has some great music, even though most of them didn't make it to the finals. At least it's not ESC 2015. I've tried listening to the entries but none of them are my favourites except maybe for Mans because he's a handsome man.

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