01 January 2019

New year, new shit

2019 is here, yaaaaaaaaaay....

The problem with having the console set up is that I keep going back to play video games. I have a practical exam on the 4th and written exams from 10th to 12th what the hell am I doing? Worse still I got into watching Hardcore series by PBGGamplay so that's no good.

The upside to this is that I finally got around to finishing Ni no Kuni for the PS3 since the first time I started in 2014. I found a balance between school work and video games so that's great?? I'm planning to replay FF13 with a complete guide in order to platinum this 10 year old game... lord knows Final Fantasy games are hard as balls to complete. You can bet once I beat FF10 for the PS2 I'm doing it again with the HD version but I'm not going to platinum the thing because I'm NOT avoiding 200 consecutive lightning strikes for a fucking sword! I've accepted the fact that I'll never platinum AC games with multiplayer/co-op trophies so I'm fine with not getting any platinums. I'm fine. I can't even complete Journey for the PS3 because no one is playing it in last-gen consoles since it's available in the PS4 so I guess I'll just have to live with 90% trophy completion or wait for hours hoping to get someone in the server! GET MULTIPLAYER TROPHIES WHILE THE GAME'S HOT KIDS YOU DON'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN.

I wasn't planning on attending CFKL2018 because I hate the crowd and the queue, but so many artists are selling fanbooks and I couldn't resist so I went in the afternoon of the second day. I was taking a huge gamble of con-goers not buying any books based on price and lifestyle... my predictions were right! I have never been so thankful for my countrymen not appreciating books (usually I wished more people loved books). My aunt talked me into making my very first cosplay, I screwed up my expedition (I was ill-prepared due to my last minute decision to attend a con that would normally require a week to plan), I've decided to start archery in February hopefully, and thanks to Smash Ultimate I now love Kirby. He's so cute. I bought something I normally wouldn't (a pouch) because Kirby was in it.

Some new books are out since September but I couldn't bring myself to buy them because I haven't started on the previous volumes so for this new year I hope I can find time to read more. I also read a little of the cursed 'eighth story' of HP and immediately regretted my decision 5 minutes into the book ugh. But I still have to finish it because someone got it for me as a present so...

In February the new semester requires me to receive patients (it's called primary care clinic for a reason) and I just hope I still remember most of the procedures. I will never ever forgive myself if the fucking lazy ass rich kid of the class pass the subject again without doing anything while I work my shit off. You know the management is desperate for money when they don't expel a student who technically wouldn't be able to pass so that said student can pay the subject fees for next semester just cause they're rich. I went OFF at him one time so now I don't have to put up a friendly face anymore because fuck this guy.

Other than that I'm pretty nervous about future semesters which require more patients and internships and hospital postings, but I guess it's nothing to be too worried about. Take things as they come...

Also tumblr screwed my blog over, I turned on the explicit tag hoping to not get flagged but now they disabled the toggle so now I can't turn it off and hours of customizing my blog to make it pretty and nice has gone to waste, rip my tumblr blog, fuck you tumblr staff.

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