24 October 2018

This fucking sucks.

I started on Y2, finally! After a few days of trying to get over Nishiki's death. I was eager to see Ryuji and Daigo in action, also some... side events... involving Kaoru... ahem.

So. We start off strong, with Kiryu and Haruka being cute together and visiting the graves of Kazama, Nishiki and Yumi. All's well and then fifth chairman shows up to get killed lmao. Such a way to start the game! Haruka is like "Imma go back to the orphanage because lord knows you have yakuza stuff to attend to, just remember to get me when you're done." So I'm like "Bye Haruka!"

First thing I noticed when Kiryu stepped into Tojo HQ: Yayoi, Dojima's widow, is the acting chairman after 5th died. This woman is one hell of a lady! She's elegant-pretty, can wield a sword, slap a man (and potentially punch one) and her voice BOOMS! I like her!

Then there's the one I've been waiting to see due to all the funny fanart - Daigo, Yayoi's son. With his ridiculous marshmallow jacket and rugged look. He's got beef with Ryuji, but Ryuji's got beef with Kiryu, so it kinna plays out like the villain who was all "ahahah it is me, your nemesis!" and the protagonists go "...who?". That's Daigo and Ryuji in a nutshell. Daigo gets bitch slapped by Ryuji in one shot more than a few times and oh boy was it funny! I get where the 'Kiryu babysitting Daigo' fanart comes from now.

One hell of a lady count: 2 - Sayama Kaoru. Osakan cop, pretty in a strong-cute way. The classic case of 'I can't date because all the guys are scared of me'. Her introduction is really, Really, REALLY cool! VERY AWESOMELY COOL!!! My first comment upon her intro? "I like this woman."

Before anything else, someone I follow on twitter mentioned an event I'd like to call as the 'kiss that ruined me'. They said it was cute and hot at the same time, and lemme tell you, I didn't believe it at all. I was all "Isit tho????". I was looking for Kaoru's age and stumbled upon a trivia that said that she was the only one who shared a kiss with Kiryu on screen, TWO TIMES! Damn this girl is really something else!

Sadly... I didn't get to that part. Disc got stuck in loading screen in the 12th chapter, which means I won't be punching any tigers or saving Haruka from another kidnapping, also not being able to see the aforementioned 'kiss that ruined me'. That also means I missed the great scene which is Majima banging his head on a desk 8 times and him disarming a bomb based on instinct.

I was looking forward to the tiger-punching too! Damn!

What I did? Watched some playthroughs in YT. And HOLY JESUS BALLS THAT KISS WAS CUTE AND SURPRISINGLY HOT! Kiryu. Kiryu mah man. Is this the doing of 7 years of yakuza work??? You weren't like this before! Where did this confidence come from????? You can't even properly tell Yumi your feelings what is going on Kiryu????

So. Some other things happen, Ryuji has a sick tattoo, people die, AND THEN. A bomb was about to go off and Kiryu is too wounded to move. Date flies in a heli with Haruka in tow telling them to get off as quick as they can. Kiryu and Kaoru play out "I'LL DIE WITH YOU" with Date and Haruka watching, then showcase the intense desperate kiss, IN FRONT OF DATE AND HARUKA. Holy balls you dunno how intense that was! It was the one that made me go 'alright time out' in a public space which is my campus library! They were a bunch of ps2 grade polygons! I don't understand how it made me so hot and bothered! What is happening???

Gosh I feel sorry for Haruka. "Uncle Kaz is going to blow up!" No. Your Uncle Kaz is going to have a hot makeout session with a badass female cop before he dies. Dude is living his best life!

I'm sad that I don't get to experience the one-hit-kill end of Ryuji's boss battle, but can't do nothing about a broken game disc... It was a good experience while it lasted.

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