23 October 2017

Dead inside, but still manageable

I was rotting in my nest for the past week because of holidays.

As soon as Tuesday comes I have a practical test which, surprisingly, I'm not too worried about. Mostly because it's my first practical test and I know I'm not going to do too well in it. A total of 12 tests performed in 30 minutes or less. Talk about pressure. I hope I don't get a patient with visual aid (psst only me and another girl have visual aids. Lucky me).

The mobile game Tales of the Rays came out recently in July, and I'm playing that along side with the JPN Rays (which is 5 months ahead) and Tales of Asteria. There's also both versions of FFRK I'm playing at the moment so I'm juggling 5 mobile games at once! I was thinking of getting Dissidia Opera Minia but you know what, I have my hands full as it is.

I was really skeptical of Asteria at first because of the character gacha system (which I undoubtedly dislike), but at least the story didn't feature any original characters like Link, so I'm good. I'm all for a character system like FFRK, so Rays definitely won my heart.

It's so hot here that it could be a sauna if there was more humidity. Can't go to sleep or get out of the bath without sweating like a pig! I also got deodorant for my feet. It's stupid.

I still haven't bought a PS4 yet, even though I'm really close to getting one during the past week. If I really got one I'd probably fire it up to play Zestiria first thing. I need to get P5 too. And my Bayonetta disc died. I'm so sad. Did I mention about completing P4? I finished it during last sem break and started P3 FES. It's a wonder why I didn't choose to finish KH when I'm already in the final dungeon or Legendia (again, final dungeon). Switching from P4 to P3 is a tough job because everything is different and I can't date Akihiko.

Anyways, life is cool I guess, there are many things to look forward to this semester. 2017 is near its end too and it's bizarre.

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