23 May 2017

I'm not dead yet

I know I haven't been really active these past months... my last decent post was December last year and wow was that long ago!

I'm trying my best to juggle school work and extra-curricular activities so that I can graduate safely. No, life is not in the equation. I don't have a life.

Besides the crippling realization that I'm getting older every subsequent year and thus moving farther and farther away from being a child plus all the responsibilities I have to face as an adult, I'm actually fine. By fine I meant internally screaming every hour or just generally crying about not having a PS4. Yep.

What happened in the past months:

The semester is almost over (lmao) and it feels like I haven't leaned or studied anything at all, due to massive workload in the form of a whole week of events, including reports and assignments AND roleplay and model assignments, industrial visits (I enjoyed it), going out trying to convince people to come to our events, blah blah, the usual.

I got to listen to great music though. I bought my first ever album from Florence + the Machine; jammed to Tales Orchestra, 20th anni version and 2016 version; Nier Automata came out and I got into Nier's awesome music by Okabe; Hiroyuki Sawano is now one of my faves alongside with Yuki Kajiura and Yoko Kanno; Sheryl will be revived for Macross 30th; surprisingly I was addicted to Tales openings, to the point that hearing them makes me sad. I found out that Tenmon was the composer for most of Shinkai's movies. Gosh that guy has mad composing skillz.

Bought a few PS4 games, was worried that some might be faulty, that's why I want a PS4 so badly. I got most of the games I wanted already, but I'm sill waiting for HD collections of FF Type0, AC3 Liberation and KH 2.5 remix. P5 and Tales of Berseria can wait, since they're quite recent, and Nier Automata was not in my list to begin with. Heck I didn't even play the original Nier! Also I can't believe I bought the newest Star Ocean. I don't know what got into me. Might be because I'm starting to get bored with the same four JRPG series. I'm excited to play Zestiria even though people are talking shit about it. I made some progress in Mass Effect 3, I don't have a clear playthrough cause I'm just mashing through the dialogue at this point. My shooter skills still suck.

Didn't buy any books since last time. Still have many books waiting to be read. I hope 2 weeks is enough to finish a quarter of them. My artist instincts still impulse buy notebooks and stationery, but I'm saving up for cons and a PS4.

I'm having fun playing global and JPN FFRK. It's going to develop into a bad habit I assure you.

1 comment:

  1. "Besides the crippling realization that I'm getting older every subsequent year and thus moving farther and farther away from being a child plus all the responsibilities I have to face as an adult, I'm actually fine." ---SAME So much same
