20 July 2015



礼拜四早上起来带着行李去学校。上完课后就要坐火车回家……然后老师emergency leave,七点半我就去等学校的shuttle bus载我去火车站。等巴士的时候发现其实很多人也是那天回啊……司机又不开大辆巴士,开小的,不够位子坐还有人用站的。在等火车(很慢唉)的时候老爸打来说要载我,可是人已经在火车站等车了啊!挂电话不久后火车来了,不知道为什么那天的班车那么快(Raya?)。而且又是早上所以人不多……

我到站时才九点十多分(今天上完课的时间是九点半),再坐几个星期前的免费巴士回家。处理完东西后打电话给老爸老妈才九点四十五分……开机玩咯!!!然后就这样我玩了一整天,过后晚餐去pasar ramadan,虽然最后一天了没多少东西买……

隔天去书展,书展后去亲戚家吃榴莲(我没吃,那几个大人吃罢了)。礼拜六叔叔来请我吃鸭腿,大人们谈天是我就继续打机,还打了某个游戏的final boss,(而且还是第一次很兴奋地笑着打死它,虽然那个boss有四个form,可是还是很兴奋)可惜老大没来,在家打online game,所以没得跟他炫耀……


Divine Love Eternal!

So I was never THIS excited about beating a boss before I mean after I finished all the trials and approached the door I was like "YES!!!" and my cousins were like "What's wrong?" "IDK?" Bhunivelze appeared before me and I squealed in delight, especially when he's using Hope's body. The first phase was rushed, because frick Doom. The second and third phase I was excited, but I literally SCREAMED during the final phase when Almighty Bhunivelze started playing in the background. But man, the final formed sucked! Trying to stagger him sucks. But when I do my cousins had their eyes popped out because of the damage I dealt after staggering. It was A LOT. Final blow and Bhuni goes "NOOOOOOOOOO" and I grinned because all the OTP goodness was coming soon... very soon...

Seeing Light being all "I'll save you Hope!" I clutched my heart because it cannot take this much of OTP feels you understand?! I thought my heart was ready to see the ending before my eyes but no the fangirl inside of me cannot stop squealing. And that's how I managed to beat Bhunivelze while smiling.

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