15 June 2014

Journey, a beautiful game

So the holidays end on Father's Day lol. I didn't finish my holiday homework btw.
Add Maths was horrible.
Tried learning Hymmnos, but failed. Only memorized a sentence which means "I will be glad to turn myself into a song". I finally found out how to pronounce their numerals because I can't hear them in the songs. *facepalm* I sounded like opera chorus to me.

Also I'm here to voice out.
Can a game be this beautiful?! I mean look at it!

It's not only beautiful, but also you get to meet one player online. The only means to communicate with each other are through symbols which the character 'sings'. No dialogue, no text. It may seem hard, but somehow this brings the players closer together; I mean it! I can visualize it. The soundtrack is awesome, and the story is told through a series of silent arcs.

Disappointing thing is, such a great game like Journey is hardly sold anywhere. It's only been two years dude, if you're saying Ezio's Trilogy I can understand, but this game got many positive critics and awards! (The Last of Us was hard to find nowadays too) Up until now I've only found one store that sells it at RM100. That's almost $30+ in American currency! Playstation download is only $15, and Amazon sells it at $20. Amazon sells the Collector's Edition (Flow, Flower and game soundtracks included), plus shipping costs maybe over $30, but the soft copy is hard to resist. $15 is almost RM45++, and let's say it's RM50. It's a steal, only half the price! But... I don't have a banking account to buy the soft copy, so I have to stick to hardware.

I can get it by Tuesday if I buy it on Amazon now, but either way I can't play it. Wait for six more months. Same goes for other video games. Maybe I should try online shopping sometime (shipping costs... *sobs* I don't live in Jp or US...)

Your Journey starts now...

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