27 December 2017

Year end money spending (aka Comic Fiesta 2017, and other stuff)

Ayy!!! It's the end of the year! Finals are close! I'm almost dead from the semester!

Out of all the new year resolutions I did for 2017... I only completed like, two? Granted I didn't make a physical list, but it's always at the back of my mind.

When the end of the year approaches, you know things get hectic. People clearing out paid leaves, stockdates, parents bringing their children to vacation and coming back last minute, back to school shopping, kids with unfinished holiday homework, extreme Christmas and new year sales... the usual.

For me a years' end marks the start of week-long planning in order to attend CF2017. Every damn year I spend a week deciding on outfits, commute and best routes so that I may get in and out as soon as possible. Record time for this year (on day 2) is 30 minutes.

A post shared by Red River (@yuefei.redriver) on

A post shared by Red River (@yuefei.redriver) on

The venue for CF2017 is great, KLCC has all the space to house various booths and ample of walking space (except for that one lane). However, as good as the place may be, the layout is stupid. The entrance is at the very far end, where the exhibitors are. After that you have the premium artist booths, then lastly the basic artist booths. The exit is around that corner. I have ZERO interest in the exhibitors. What I wanted the most was fanzines and doujinshi in the artist booth, and they're at the very far end of the hall. I'M PISSED. For two days I had to squeeze through hordes of sweaty people and some who just stand there in the middle of the lane to look at booths. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE. When I finally get to the artist booths there's another looooong queue for the cosplayer booths that block the lane, AGAIN.

The ticket price is another thing that shocked me. RM30 for a day. 2015 in MIECC was only 20. 20! The venue was decent! Last year at PWTC was 25, and even then the venue absolutely SUCKED. I hope the rise in price was because of the venue (KLCC is a great place in the city centre after all). I can't afford to attend CF if the ticket price goes any higher.

Living with my aunt was a new experience, in a weird way. Her home looks like a haunted house among the renovated buildings. Her bathroom reminds me of my grandmother's bathroom, and it has no shower or water tank. The kitchen has a broken stove and a refrigerator possibly from the 80s! The floor downstairs is like the one at home, and the stairs is made of wooden planks similar to my grandfather's now abandoned house. The floor upstairs has the classic early 2000s wood blocks which come off whenever you step them with wet feet. No big tiles, no ceiling fan, no water heater. I thought I was living at my grandmothers'.

Did I get any pictures of cosplayers? Yes, only one of Luna in her wedding dress. Then there was another Luna but she seemed busy so I didn't ask for a picture. I saw a few Promptos and a Ignis. Was hoping I'd see more western cartoon characters, but didn't find any. I'm always on the lookout for Steven Universe and Miraculous Ladybug cosplays. Also DDLC. If you are one of them, please tell me. I will want to take your picture. I was thinking to try cosplay this year because I have a lab coat but ditched the plan last minute because I didn't have the appropriate outfit. I was actually kinna stupid to not cosplay as Tae Takemi from P5. Really really stupid me. I keep thinking of Shinra from DRRR but Tae may be easier. Maybe. I have no idea where to get the strap heels tho.

After day 1 of CF me and aunt went to see The Last Jedi, because there's nothing left for us to do. I didn't know it came out on the 14th. The movie was great! I loved Rose! I loved Finn! I loved Poe! I loved Phasma! I loved everyone! And you know what! I don't care if people say SW has become SJW shit because it hasn't!!! Still a great movie!!! WHy can't we all just enjoy things??!!

TLJ could do without the potential Rose/Finn or Rey/Finn because I need platonic M/F relationships and if Rose/Finn is really a thing I don't want Rey to be the other jealous love interest. No. Stop it. We already have that in plenty of movies. Stop.

Last month I went to see another movie - Justice League. It was not in my watch list but since I've never gone out with my classmates in the middle of the night before I thought it wouldn't hurt to watch a superhero movie. Justice League was a little... eeehhhh... but still good in its own way. I have a few doubts and questions though...

One: does Aquaman have amblyopia??? His eyes has been bothering me since the first time he appeared on screen! Second: Flash is so cute. Ezra Miller is so cute. He is the DC equivalent of Marvel's Spiderman. Third: I love Batman, but I also love making fun of him. Whenever he comes on screen I do the signature throat cancer voice and say "I'm Batman" to my other two classmates sitting next to me. One is annoyed, one thought it was funny. Fourth: I love how everyone in the cinema agrees that Wonder Woman is the best. When she appeared on screen everyone cheered (softly). Fifth: best line in the whole movie, when Batman is asked what his superpower is, he answers "I'm rich." Sixth: My classmate finds my annoyance on Superman's shirtless-ness funny. I could not concentrate on the following scenes just because Superman loses his top but his pants are still intact and in good condition. HOW. Seventh: How can Superman's girlfriend fly away with him to the stratosphere and not die of oxygen deprivation??

Then comes a week-long Christmas holiday before our study break, which totals in two weeks of extra time to study. Bad news is, the one subject that needed the most study time is the first paper on the first day. And I haven't started on anything yet. I've been saying I'd get a PS4 since last year, but I might really buy one next year during my semester break. I have seven PS4 games sitting on my shelf, waiting for me to play them. Caligula OD is coming to PS4 soon, so I'm praying for a localization. There's Ni no Kuni 2, I might get the newest Dragon Quest (srsly I'm in need of more JRPGs to play), Nier Automata may be kicked out of my wishlist, but I really don't want to, because the music is great... but I suck at action games so...

Anyways my first paper is on the 8th so I better start studying eye lesions with plenty of gross pus on eyelids.

I'm featuring a new series of music I find interesting/obsessing/relevant to the current gaming scene. Guess which one this belongs to. Btw I've already heard this song waaaaaay before I knew of Death Stranding, in Thomas Sanders' Steven Universe playlist. Go listen to that playlist if you haven't. There's some amazing songs in there.

23 October 2017

Dead inside, but still manageable

I was rotting in my nest for the past week because of holidays.

As soon as Tuesday comes I have a practical test which, surprisingly, I'm not too worried about. Mostly because it's my first practical test and I know I'm not going to do too well in it. A total of 12 tests performed in 30 minutes or less. Talk about pressure. I hope I don't get a patient with visual aid (psst only me and another girl have visual aids. Lucky me).

The mobile game Tales of the Rays came out recently in July, and I'm playing that along side with the JPN Rays (which is 5 months ahead) and Tales of Asteria. There's also both versions of FFRK I'm playing at the moment so I'm juggling 5 mobile games at once! I was thinking of getting Dissidia Opera Minia but you know what, I have my hands full as it is.

I was really skeptical of Asteria at first because of the character gacha system (which I undoubtedly dislike), but at least the story didn't feature any original characters like Link, so I'm good. I'm all for a character system like FFRK, so Rays definitely won my heart.

It's so hot here that it could be a sauna if there was more humidity. Can't go to sleep or get out of the bath without sweating like a pig! I also got deodorant for my feet. It's stupid.

I still haven't bought a PS4 yet, even though I'm really close to getting one during the past week. If I really got one I'd probably fire it up to play Zestiria first thing. I need to get P5 too. And my Bayonetta disc died. I'm so sad. Did I mention about completing P4? I finished it during last sem break and started P3 FES. It's a wonder why I didn't choose to finish KH when I'm already in the final dungeon or Legendia (again, final dungeon). Switching from P4 to P3 is a tough job because everything is different and I can't date Akihiko.

Anyways, life is cool I guess, there are many things to look forward to this semester. 2017 is near its end too and it's bizarre.

13 August 2017



这次书展跟Khei Lai,龙小姐和干女儿去,看着他们买正经书(我买的全都是漫画啊啊啊)感觉自己好没出息。除了书我在书展收获最大应该就是音乐CD咯!买到了最终幻想歌曲集!其实还看到了Halsey的专辑,好想买!可是钱已经花去买漫画了,所以只能买一个……






一)本土幻想 LOKAMADE 画集!!!想要买很~~~~~久了,可是好贵啊啊……90块……不过因为是作者自己出版的说以不会减价,终于在书展时买了。










19 July 2017



Something happened today and Fridge Brilliance dawned me (actually it's more like Fridge Horror but anyway) so I'm dedicating a whole post to this... thing.

I doubt anyone remembers the review I wrote about the shittiest novel I read that is required in schools. I'm disgusted by that book honestly. Why did I suddenly remember about this shitty book?

I have a shitty event/project today where me and my groupmates run around looking for stuff (explorace, kinna). While walking around a shopping complex looking for a specific shop, I saw this banner that raises more than a few questions in me. It literally says 'vagina tightening'. I'm too horrified to notice if it's a service or a consumable product (I think it's the latter), but at first I wasn't sure about its meaning and I asked a Malay classmate. She outright told me it's vagina tightening.

Yeah I'm scarred for life.

She saw me cringe and said "Hey, it's a part of life! Women have to do this once in a while after marriage, if not your husband might go out to find other women." SAY WHAT.

I disagree. But what can I do? They think that the sole purpose of marriage is sex. Nothing I say can change their way of thinking. I have heard people spit even more horrifying things before so this is meh~ but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Going back to the novel. I was only half joking when I wrote this:

Aisayh is rich, good-looking and most importantly, YOUNG. Young probably means a virgin, and maybe also a tight figa.

Figa is Italian for vagina. Ehhh so apparently Intan Maliana isn't kinky enough and doesn't have a tight enough vagina (laughs).

But seriously I read somewhere that vaginas don't get loose. It's a muscle for fucks sake!!! So if a penis person leaves a vagina person because said vagina isn't tight enough... just no. That's bullshit.

09 July 2017

Review: Tales of Rebirth (video game)

Current mood: KUUUUREEEEEEAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

This is, once again, a review based on a lets play of ToR. Rebirth was never localized but it is infamous for its shouting meme. And what a shouting meme it was...

23 May 2017

I'm not dead yet

I know I haven't been really active these past months... my last decent post was December last year and wow was that long ago!

I'm trying my best to juggle school work and extra-curricular activities so that I can graduate safely. No, life is not in the equation. I don't have a life.

Besides the crippling realization that I'm getting older every subsequent year and thus moving farther and farther away from being a child plus all the responsibilities I have to face as an adult, I'm actually fine. By fine I meant internally screaming every hour or just generally crying about not having a PS4. Yep.

What happened in the past months:

The semester is almost over (lmao) and it feels like I haven't leaned or studied anything at all, due to massive workload in the form of a whole week of events, including reports and assignments AND roleplay and model assignments, industrial visits (I enjoyed it), going out trying to convince people to come to our events, blah blah, the usual.

I got to listen to great music though. I bought my first ever album from Florence + the Machine; jammed to Tales Orchestra, 20th anni version and 2016 version; Nier Automata came out and I got into Nier's awesome music by Okabe; Hiroyuki Sawano is now one of my faves alongside with Yuki Kajiura and Yoko Kanno; Sheryl will be revived for Macross 30th; surprisingly I was addicted to Tales openings, to the point that hearing them makes me sad. I found out that Tenmon was the composer for most of Shinkai's movies. Gosh that guy has mad composing skillz.

Bought a few PS4 games, was worried that some might be faulty, that's why I want a PS4 so badly. I got most of the games I wanted already, but I'm sill waiting for HD collections of FF Type0, AC3 Liberation and KH 2.5 remix. P5 and Tales of Berseria can wait, since they're quite recent, and Nier Automata was not in my list to begin with. Heck I didn't even play the original Nier! Also I can't believe I bought the newest Star Ocean. I don't know what got into me. Might be because I'm starting to get bored with the same four JRPG series. I'm excited to play Zestiria even though people are talking shit about it. I made some progress in Mass Effect 3, I don't have a clear playthrough cause I'm just mashing through the dialogue at this point. My shooter skills still suck.

Didn't buy any books since last time. Still have many books waiting to be read. I hope 2 weeks is enough to finish a quarter of them. My artist instincts still impulse buy notebooks and stationery, but I'm saving up for cons and a PS4.

I'm having fun playing global and JPN FFRK. It's going to develop into a bad habit I assure you.

18 February 2017

Review: Tales of Vesperia (videogame)

Current mood: fuck my life...

...bc goddamn ToV is too good.

Ok I didn't exactly play the game, but I'm thinking of getting the PS3 version even if it's in Japanese. Have to figure out where to get it though. So. In order to fully appreciate and enjoy the soundtrack of Tales of Vesperia I watched TalesOfCreed's let's play on YouTube and man was it great! I spent every waking moment for 5 days watching all 123 episodes worth of story and battles. I'm tired, my body is tired but my mind? My mind never stops thinking. Also for once I didn't spoil myself by skipping videos.

In this review I will only comment about the story aspect of the game, because like I said I don't have the game.

30 January 2017

Review: Sakamichi no Apollon (anime)

Current mood: BEST BROS 4 LYFE MAN

SnA was never in my watchlist to begin with. I stumbled upon a gif on tumblr and haha what do you know I'm really interested in what this anime was about. The captions for the gifset implies something bromance-y and me fujoshi heart is like 'maybe this is good'. It was only 12 episodes but I was lazy to binge watch it so I went online for spoilers... and it totally ruined the mood for me. Turns out there's a complex love triangle going on and I hate that very much. I put off the whole thing until the first day of my finals after the paper... I finished the whole thing to unwind.